New species of Hydnora (parasitic plant) is identified

A Hydnora is a plant native to the African continent, but in addition to having a very strange appearance, it also does not have leaves and its survival happens by extracting nutrients from other plants. The novelty is that a new species of the plant Hydnora has just emerged for scientists. Find out more about it here.

new kind of Hydnora: parasitic plant

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When it was described for the first time, in 1775, the plant Hydnorabolinii it had 8 species identified and recognized by science. However, recently Sebastian Hatt of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, and colleagues claim that there are actually around 10 identified species of the plant today.

With a peculiar appearance of fleshy petals, the hydnora bolinii presents itself as the newest identified species of the plant. The species has already been found in only two countries, and they are Ethiopia and Somalia.

Photo: Sebastian Hatt – NewScientist.

In addition to the newest identification of the Hydnora bolinii, the study by Sebastian Hatt and his colleagues, also states that Hydnora hanningtonii It is hydnora solmsiana they are two different species, thus completing 10 species in all for Hydnora.

The plant Hydnora

A plant it is found in the African continent and unlike other plants, it does not have leaves and does not even make photosynthesis to stay alive. Their survival is based on the extraction of nutrients from the roots of plants in which they are hosted, thus being a parasitic plant. The target plants Hydnora they are usually acacias or euphorbia succulents.

When bumping into these plants out there, without knowing them, you would hardly say that it is a flower. The stems of these plants remain hidden underground and once a year, these plants sprout their fleshy-looking flower, which they open so that insects can enter. In addition, they exude a bad odor, similar to the smell of feces, which is essential to attract flies and beetles, which remain there until they are completely covered in pollen, so that they can then perform the crucial role of pollination of these plants.

Curiosity about the Hydnora

In addition to its annual flower, the plant also produces fruits that remain underground and are normally used to preserve fishing nets.

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