The best and easiest recipe for coconut milk girl

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You know that traditional condensed milk cocada that most of us ate as a child? So these days they might be hard to find in stores, but they are certainly easy to make. So today we bring this wonderful cocada recipe of milk girl that will become success in your house! Keep reading and discover the step by step to prepare this deliciousness!

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what you will need

Generally, cocadas are made very simply and don't have much mystery either in terms of ingredients or preparations. So, in this case, we'll only need four basic ingredients that will result in the best cocada you'll ever try. Check here what you will need:

  • 1 can of 395 ml of condensed milk;
  • 2 measures of the sugar condensed milk can;
  • 500 grams of grated fresh coconut;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter.

How to make

As already mentioned, the preparation is very simple, but also quite specific. In this way, pay attention to each of the steps so that your cocada can have the best possible result!

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  • Separate a medium-sized pan and add the grated fresh coconut, condensed milk, butter and sugar;
  • Light the stove on medium heat and start stirring as soon as the flame is lit. Remember that it will be very important to continue mixing so that the dough does not stick;
  • Keep stirring until the mixture starts to come away from the bottom of the pan, similar to that of a brigadeiro;
  • Now, pour the mixture into a dish, preferably a glass one, which is greased with plenty of margarine;
  • At that moment, use a spatula to smooth and ensure that the dough is evenly distributed on the platter;
  • Let the cocada cool at room temperature, under a dish towel, until it starts to harden;
  • Then, your cocada will be at the cutting point, so that you can smoothly pass the knife to remove pieces of the size you want.

Finally, there is the option of using creativity for decoration. For example, you can sprinkle powdered milk, fresh coconut shavings or even condensed milk! Afterwards, just serve and enjoy this amazing candy!

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