The effects of poor sleep: Insomnia can result in diabetes

Worries, stress, noise in the apartment above or on the street and depression are some of the reasons that can lead someone to sleep badly. Thus, more and more reports are being heard of people who cannot fall asleep, and the problem can persist for years.

In these cases, it is important to investigate to find out what would be the cause behind this inability to rest, which clearly indicates the need for the person in question to seek professional help from doctors and psychologists.

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After all, the consequences are the insomnia effects. For example, poorly slept nights can culminate in an irreversible diagnosis of diabetes, or even result in a sudden and lethal heart attack. Therefore, it is important to seek help as soon as possible.

Why is it important to sleep well?

As much as they tell you that the contemporary world forces us to stay awake and work all the time, the importance of sleeping well is unquestionable. After all, through sleep, our body can perform a cleaning done by the lymphatic system.

In this way, it is very important that you manage to have a peaceful night, so that the next day you can deal with the demands of routine. That's because, during sleep, our entire neural circuit undergoes a crucial reorganization to better absorb new content.

Including, lack of sleep can make our body more susceptible to the presence of sugar in the blood. Thus, someone with insomnia is more likely to develop diabetes, even when sugar consumption is not high and there is no genetic risk.

Reduce the effects of insomnia

Before resorting to remedies pre-indicated by doctors, try to encourage the secretion of melatonin, the sleep hormone, naturally. For this, choose to turn off cell phones and screens in general a few minutes before bedtime. Also, keep the bedroom climate always cool and avoid sugary foods before going to bed.

That way, you will be preventing yourself from harm by minimizing the effects of insomnia, such as diabetes and also heart attacks. So, remember: taking care of your body is also taking care of your sleep!

However, it is important to emphasize that this article is exclusively informative in nature. It is not intended to generate diagnoses or solutions for medical or psychological problems. Therefore, in case of doubt, it is recommended that you consult a specialist before starting any type of treatment on your own.

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