Education representatives call for the repeal of the New Secondary School

On March 7, 2023, during a meeting at the Planalto Palace with President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, workers in the education sector presented a request for the revocation of the New High School.

The National Confederation of Workers in Education (CNTE) and the Union of Official Teaching Teachers of the State of São Paulo (Apeoesp) were responsible for making this request.

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The New Secondary School and its challenges

The New Secondary School was approved in 2017, still during the term of former President Michel Temer. The objective of this initiative was to make the high school stage more attractive and expand full-time education.

However, the implementation of the model faced structural challenges, resistance and ignorance on the part of the population.

Heleno Araújo, president of the CNTE, stated that the New Secondary School was imposed through a Provisional Measure, without dialogue with the sectors of the education area and which, therefore, is necessary revoke it.

According to Heleno, President Lula was sensitive to the problems presented and promised to analyze the request for repeal.

Adverse opinions regarding the revocation

The Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, avoided talking about the repeal of the New Secondary School and said that a group work will be created to bring together all interested educational sectors to discuss the progress of the project.

According to him, the repeal is not an issue to be considered, as the New Secondary School is already underway.

In a note, the Ministry of Education recognized the lack of dialogue in the process that led to the enactment of the New Secondary Education law and explained how the working group will work.

The aim is to establish democratic dialogue through surveys, public consultations, seminars and other tools that allow informed decision-making.


The request for revocation of the New Secondary School presented by CNTE and Apeoesp reflects the concern of education workers with the quality of education in the country.

Although the project was created with the aim of making the high school stage more attractive and expanding the full-time education, its implementation has faced structural challenges and resistance from the population.

The working group that will be created by the Ministry of Education is an opportunity to discuss the New Secondary School in democratic way and find solutions that guarantee a quality, fair and egalitarian education for all Brazilians.

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