'Nice' Things People Do But Are A Nuisance

Kindness and empathy, unfortunately, are things that not everyone knows how to demonstrate. There are gestures and words that can cause a lot of discomfort in this attempt to be pleasant, but in fact it is an inconvenience and, therefore, it is difficult to perceive.

1. Telling the person to choose “whatever you want” when you yourself have an opinion on the matter

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It may seem like something completely unusual, but when you put your own opinion on the person's taste, you can be disappointed.

2. Commenting on someone's weight and fitness

It's something that may sound positive, but you never know what the person is going through to be that way. So, as much as you think it's a compliment, avoid it.

3. Comment that someone is quiet

This is not a good way to interact with another person. Generally, the quiet people in the group are the ones who prefer to be alone. For some reason, quiet people are that way and probably don't want attention.

4. Insisting on offering something even if the person has denied it

If the person has already denied it and said they don't want it, even if it seems super polite of you to offer, let it go. It can be completely uncomfortable for whom you are offering it and the person ends up thinking that he has an obligation to accept it.

5. Competitions of negative things

When you're around someone who's going through a tough time, don't share your struggles in an attempt to empathize. The effect can be quite the opposite, as people just want to be comforted and don't want to hear any more sad stories.

6. Maternal advice when not asked

First-time mothers are always listening to advice from people who have already gone through the experience. Of course, it's okay to share experiences, but avoid giving unsolicited advice and unsolicited opinions.

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