Ask a child what profession he wants to pursue in the future. While more recent occupations, such as youtuber and influencing digital are among the favorites of the little ones. Degree areas are increasingly distant from dreams.
Although the technology involved in new professions is enchanting, there is a much more complex explanation than just the fact that I don't want to be teacher.
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In addition to the daily difficulty of working in one of the worst educational systems in the world, teachers also have to deal with low wages, work overload and disrespect in the classroom.
The perception of these factors by Brazilians made Brazil appear as the last country in the prestigious ranking of teachers. This is what a survey carried out by the Varkey Foundation, an entity committed to improving world education, and replicated by the G1 website last night, 7, showed.
As if that were not enough, while the rest of the surveyed countries saw improvements in status of teachers, Brazil had the situation worsened, becoming the nation that most devalues teachers.
The previous survey was done in 2013. Five years ago the country was in the penultimate position among the 21 surveyed. This year, however, when Brazil ranked last, 35 countries were analyzed.
Interestingly, the United States and European countries are not at the top of the rank. Among the top ten, six are Asian: Singapore, India, Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Malaysia and China. The last three, in turn, are the top three, with China being the nation that most values teachers.
Other indices
besides the ranking In general, Brazil also revealed terrible indexes in specific points. Data show that only one in ten Brazilians think that teachers are respected by students in the classroom. This situation has a direct reflection on the school performance of students.
Another reality raised by the survey is the way Brazilians see the teaching profession. About 88% consider it as of “low status”, an index that is second only to Israel.
This is a major factor when deciding on a future profession, reflected in the drop in the number of new teachers. Only one in five Brazilians would influence their son to become a teacher.
A distortion was also revealed in relation to the way individuals see working hours and wages in the category. If, on the one hand, people believe that professors work 39.2 hours a week, they report a workload of 47.7 hours a week. Although Brazilians don't think the wages are fair, they perceive it to be higher than it actually is.
In relation to the teaching classification, Brazil is the second worst in the world, behind only Egypt. On a scale of zero to ten, the score given by citizens was 4.2 while the Egyptian education system was given a 3.8. the leader of ranking, with a score of 8, is Finland.