Accusations and controversies: Dalai Lama kisses boy and then apologizes

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In February of this year, the Dalai Lama participated in an event in Dharamshala, India, bringing together more than 100 young students who had recently graduated from the M3M Foundation of India. The Dalai Lama, whose real name is Tenzin Gyatso, is the most iconic figure in Tibetan Buddhism, and he faces a number of challenges.

At the event, a young male student approached the emblematic figure of Buddhism and asked if he could hug him. This is a common reaction people have when they approach someone so important. The response of the Dalai Lama, who is 87 years old, surprised the whole world.

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Dalai Lama apologizes for French kissing a boy

Dalai asked the boy to go to his direction, where he was sitting. He indicated with his finger on his cheek that the boy would need to kiss his cheeks first before hugging him. After the boy's affectionate touch, Dalai said "I think here too" and kissed the boy's lips, "and suck my tongue".

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The religious leader stuck out his tongue and waited for the reaction of the boy who asked him for a hug, while the audience laughed. After that moment, Dalai fired advice to the boy and wished "peace and happiness".

The video went viral on the internet and users did not forgive the action. Many commented that it was outrageous, inappropriate and totally inappropriate for the moment. In his defense, he claims that the moment was relaxed and he took an “innocent and playful” attitude.

“His Holiness wishes to apologize to the boy and his family, as well as his many friends across the world, for the pain his words may have caused. His Holiness often teases the people he meets in an innocent and playful way, even in public and on camera. He regrets the incident,” she stated in the public retraction.

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