Microsoft opens 12 free online courses for Word

Still confused with the features of the Word? Do you feel that there are many more things to be used to make your work easier, but you still don't know them? Know that all your problems can be solved with free online courses for Word and, nobody better than the company that created it to offer!

Microsoft makes available, on its platform, 12 free courses using the modality Distance Learning (EaD). The student has at his disposal short videos and support content on different subjects related to the text editor. Best of all, the courses require no prerequisites, so anyone is welcome to join.

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The duration of the courses corresponds to the student's learning time, that is, they do not have a defined workload. Therefore, within their own possibilities, anyone interested in knowing more or deepening their skills in Word can access the available options.

Course options

Each of the twelve sections made available by the Word Training for Windows platform comprises a tutorial on the editor's main functions.

  • quick start: Initial information about Word such as functions and basic editing tasks
  • Welcome to Word: Word overview video
  • write and edit: tutorial with all functions about writing and editing function, including character formatting and find tab
  • format text: instructions on formatting the text
  • Define page layout: information about formatting text margins
  • Insert tables, watermarks and images: icons, images, tables and editing
  • save and print: archiving, converting to PDF, editing and printing
  • Share and co-author: Share and insert collaborators of a document
  • Using Word at School: Instructions on basic school functions such as document formatting, citation and footnote insertion
  • Improve accessibility and ease of use: quick actions and tools
  • take a tour
  • work with models

The last two require downloading files from the platform. For each of the courses, it is not necessary to register, just click on the desired option and start.

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