Knowledge An Intellectual Force

Knowledge, when well ordered, becomes a force that will drive the dynamics of capital.
There is no heritage transformation without endogenous or exogenous environmental influence.
The equity and static structure. It doesn't move by itself.
A body that is stationary needs a force to set it in motion and once in motion it may increase speed, decrease speed, such as staying in constant motion (movement inertial).
So, too, the patrimonial environment moves in the dynamics of capital.
There is a time that it increases the movement as there is a time that it decreases the movement, as well as being idle and this movement of the heritage environment will depend on the endogenous and exogenous environmental influence.
Management and staff that expand their knowledge will positively influence the dynamics of the heritage environment, while, a direction and staff that do not recycle their knowledge will tend to diminish this intellectual force that stimulates the environment. equity.

We know that by increasing the turnover of the equity environment with a decrease in the profit margin of the merchandise, per turnover, we will have a greater total profit.
An equity medium that has a profit of $5.00 if it rotates three times will have $15.00. If we put in the profit of $4.00 and spin it 5 times, we get $20.00.
With less profit per unit, but turning more will have greater profitability.
In this simple example is one of the secrets of profitability and competition.
Knowledge will bring innovation to the dynamics of wealth and this innovation will create a dynamic environment in the social cell.
The important thing is to always have the improvement of knowledge.
The key to success in this 21st century, according to scholars, will be those who have the capacity to renew knowledge, adaptability, creativity and innovation.
This endogenous influence exerted on the heritage will determine the success or failure in the temporality of the social cell.
What needs to be done is to break this stagnation, the lack of knowledge renewal, in which the social cell in our community is immersed.
In the contact I maintain with the entrepreneur, I observe, with joy, that some are beginning to become aware of the need to change the mentality of the social cell. This is thanks to the efforts of Neopatrimonialism, SEBRAE, ACI (Commercial and Industrial Association) and other institutions.
But there is still a lot to be done in renewing knowledge of heritage dynamics.
In a business environment where management and staff are open to knowledge, the trend is to have economy and prosperity in time.
Marschall, in 1931, already considered that the most valuable was what was invested in human beings.
Becker, 1964, and T. W. Schultz, in 1974, considered that the true value is in the formation of the individual.
Viñegla and Peña (1998) also teach that human resources become key elements for the success of companies and nowadays there is the conviction that the most efficient companies are those that know how to combine the human elements and organizational.
Maldonado says that knowledge is one of the most important sources of generating wealth.
And Prof. Lopes Sá teaches (2001), we all know that the same capital value, in the same business, in the same location and at the same time can produce different results if triggered by "Intelligences and Cultures" many different.
Not allowing the recognition of this distinct action is alienating oneself from the reality of things.
The social cell is made up of people, material and immaterial wealth.
Traditional accounting records tangible assets, but does not mention intangibles.
We know that a company can be worth more than what is recorded in the Balance Sheet, and this is motivated by its immaterial values.
The value of a company has become a very abstract issue.
Making a profit is not an essential condition for a service, online, to be worth millions or billions of reais. The most valued online services, under the rules of the traditional economy, are nothing. They are made of common computers connected to a network and receive daily visits from people who also have computers, there is no physical property, and these services live on the hope that the next day they will be visited again by thousands or millions of people, and at this moment such abstractions are worth cash.
The strength of knowledge with its innovations will also influence the real value of the heritage.
Jerry Yang, creator of the yahoo site, said that almost every company that wants to have a future today needs to be on the Internet in some way.
Intellectualism is a wealth that is not registered in traditional accounting, but it exists in heritage.
Thus, as equity is influenced by the market, new technologies, dollar prices, electricity crisis, the government, bad weather, high fuel prices, etc. also, there is internal influence on the part of management and staff. We know that competent management and personnel will have a positive influence and incompetent management and personnel a negative influence on the movement of capital.
For there to be a positive influence, management and staff must be open to new knowledge and, thus, be in constant improvement.
The greater the knowledge of management and staff, the lower the probability of an error in the execution of the administrative phenomenon that will affect the dynamics of assets.
A key factor is that management and staff have the capacity to adapt to the new way of managing equity dynamics. The new administrative form is part of the science of administration, but accounting is of interest, as it will influence the dynamics of wealth.
There is, currently, an approximation between accounting and administration, but there is a limit between the accounting phenomenon and the administrative phenomenon. For us accountants what matters to observe and analyze is the patrimonial phenomenon.
The behavior of capital will depend on the endogenous and surrounding environmental influence and scholars are increasingly deepening their study of these influences as they affect the heritage of the social cell.
Scholars are concerned with measuring the wealth of knowledge, as it will or will not innovate the dynamics of capital. This innovation is what generates the dynamization of the assets and can neutralize the competitor's actions. Because, today, competition tends to become more and more fierce among companies. The one that manages to adapt and constantly renew itself will be able to survive in temporality like the species in biology and thrive in a market of innovations and competition.
What doesn't make this to the trend is to stagnate and disappear from the market.
The renewal of knowledge has become a factor of economy and prosperity. In my booklet Rethinking the small business, I drew attention to the company's need to professionalize (departmentalize) and the need for knowledge. (See Rethinking small business, Vilani, Três de Maio, 1997).
Today, scholars mention the client as part of the intellectual capital.
It is an immaterial wealth and is classified as:
- Permanent customer.
- Casual customer.
The permanent customer is the one who makes the purchase at the same company. Cultivating the permanent client must be one of the objectives of the management of the social cell.
The occasional customer is the one who sometimes buys the company's assets.
Scholars are interested in quantifying client wealth, as well as the other immaterials of the social cell.
The immaterial customer is important to the heritage that without it there would be no purchase and sale of the merchandise and, thus, the patrimonial dynamics.
What drives the economy is the need generated in the person's mind.
There is an awakening of better customer service. With greater competition, the one who brings the same to your company wins and the one who best knows how to win over the customer, the latter will have a better chance of survival in the market.
In order to know how to attract the customer, it is necessary to train the management and staff in sales and marketing psychology, the quality of the assets, price, etc.
There is also a poor quality of customer service in some organizations. This poor service is not only seen in companies, but also in some sectors of the public service and service provision by some liberal professionals.
The Internet is changing the behavior of the social cell. The consumer is in charge. He can choose, search prices, select the best deals. With the Internet, he has power in his hands when buying any merchandise.
Today the company needs the customer more than the company's customer. The social cell has always needed the customer, but with the globalized economy and the internet it has become the most customer-dependent social cell. In the modern business vision, the customer is seen as the boss.
In valuing a social cell, this immaterial good is also evaluated.
Two companies A and B with the same line of business can have different values ​​depending on their clientele.
Customer is a key part of survival and wealth prosperity. It has always been and will be one of the factors in the dynamization of assets. If there was no customer to whom the company would sell?
The company exists based on the customer's need.
The company exists because the customer exists.
The individual consumes if he has consumption power. The individual consumes within a certain purchasing power limit. This means if the individual earns $180.00 he can consume up to $180.00. If the individual earns $1000.00 he can consume up to $1000.00. The conclusion we draw is that the greater its resource, the greater its application power. Increasing consumption increases equity dynamics with all its consequences.
For the economy to grow, the customer must have the financial conditions to consume. If he buys more, the equity means will turn more.
There are only conditions to buy more if you earn more. This is obvious.
To increase equity dynamics, it is essential that the community has increased its purchasing power.
A community where the individual earns $180.00 is different from one where the individual earns $1,000.
The consumer's need and purchasing power will influence the equity growth of the social cell and, thus, its surroundings.
In conclusion, Neopatrimonialism is concerned with all of this for its holistic vision and each day that passes is consolidating itself as the Accounting of the 3rd. millennium.
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Per Werno Herckert
Columnist Brazil School

Economy - Brazil School

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