Bolsonaro sanctions law that allows skipping classes for religious reasons

Students may miss classes and tests for religious reasons. It establishes a law sanctioned by President Jair Bolsonaro and published in today's Official Gazette (4). The law will take effect in 60 days, in March. As of that month, schools will still have two years to take the steps and make the necessary adaptations to put the measure into practice.

The new law establishes that students from public and private schools and universities may be absent from exams or classes, on days when, “according to the precepts of their religion, the exercise of such activities". For this, students will have to submit an application well in advance.

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To replace the activities, educational institutions may apply a test or replacement class, as the case may be. Students may also be asked to write a written work or another type of research activity. Students who participate in these activities will be guaranteed attendance.

The law does not apply, however, to military schools. This is because military education is regulated by a specific law, admitting equivalence of studies, in accordance with the norms set by the education systems.

According to Agência Senado, religious leaders estimate that around 2 million Brazilians keep the Sabbath and, for reasons of faith, cannot study or work until sunset. The information is from Agência Brasil.

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