Is your sofa moldy? It can be solved very easily with these tips.

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Mold is formed by fungi that can grow on walls, fabrics or food. He's bad for our health, besides ruining our couch and leaving a bad odor. Fighting mold is important to preserve our furniture, so we've separated some powerful recipes capable of ending the smell of mold and cleaning your sofa.

How to clean mold from sofa

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When we travel and leave the house empty with some humidity, it is common for mold to accumulate. This formation of microorganisms leaves the upholstery with a bad odor and stained, but it is very easy to solve, see some recipes:

1. Mold on leather sofa

For this type of sofa, a recipe that works well is neutral soap with warm water. Leather is a resistant material, but it requires care, so the ideal is to use products that do not have strong ingredients.

Just mix the two ingredients and apply where there is mold, with the help of a spray bottle or a dry cloth. Don't overdo the water, as moisture can help mold come back.

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2. Mold on twill sofa

When mold appears in this type of sofa, the ideal is to mix baking soda with warm water and apply it to a small area, assessing whether the tissue can handle it.

To increase efficiency, you can soak for 10 minutes and use a brush to remove the mold.

3. Mold on linen sofa

In this type of fabric you must be very careful not to damage it. The recipe consists of half a cup of water for half a cup of white vinegar, a powerful mixture to remove the mold stain and end the bad odor.

To improve the process, you can pass the yellow part of the kitchen sponge gently.

How to get rid of the musty smell in general?

A powerful recipe is made up of equal parts water, white vinegar, and baking soda. Use a cloth moistened with the mixture, passing through the areas affected by the mold and dry with another completely dry cloth.

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