See how to be an Enem 2021 tax and earn up to R$ 720

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O Ministry of Education (MEC) opened registration for certifiers of the National High School Exam (Enem) 2021. The positions are for those in charge of administering the exam test. That is, those selected will act as classroom and corridor inspectors.

Those selected will undergo training before taking up their positions. To become a certifier it is necessary to go through this step. Thus, only those people who complete at least 70% of the course will be able to work.

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Extra income! Learn how to earn up to R$ 768 from Enem on weekends

Applications are open for anyone who wants to work on the application of…

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Vacancies are intended for people who meet the following prerequisites:

  • You must have at least high school education;
  • You cannot have registered for this year's exam;
  • You cannot have a spouse, partner or close relative registered as a participant in Enem 2021;
  • Be a public servant of the Federal Executive Branch and an effective and active teacher in state and municipal public education networks.
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See how to participate in the selection process:

To enroll in the certifiers program, you must access the Portal of the National Network of Certifiers. Through the website, the candidate can register. Entries must be made by the next August 9th:

It is possible to compete for vacancies in up to three municipalities or sub-regions, among the available options. In the case of enrolled teachers, it is required to send a declaration of teaching.

The proposed activity is remunerated and those selected will receive the amount of R$ 360 per day. As the test has two days of application, the amounts can reach R$ 720 for those who work on both dates.

Tests will be given in November

Both digital and printed tests will be applied on November 21st and 28th. As usual, therefore, there will be two days of tests. The structure of the tests is the same in both modalities (digital and printed). There will be four question notebooks, plus the writing sheet.

The student will face 45 multiple choice questions – in the digital version, they will be presented on the computer screen. While the writing will be done in printed format, in the same way as the paper version. All competitors will be entitled to drafts in the two days of competition.

First day of Enem 2021 exams:

Maximum duration for resolution: 5h30m (five hours and thirty minutes).

  • Languages;
  • Codes and their technologies;
  • Human Sciences and their technologies; It is
  • Essay.

Second day of Enem 2021 exams:

  • Maximum duration for resolution: 5h (five hours).
  • Natural Sciences and their technologies; It is
  • Mathematics and its technologies.

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