Free Book: The 100 Greatest Stories of Mythology

Looking for an enthralling story? Be sure to check out the book: The 100 Best Mythology Stories. The author was concerned with portraying myths as stories of real people.

The most imposing and grandiose battles of ancient history, the appearance of the most famous warriors, the main events related to the gods and goddesses described in the ancient world, immortals, mortals, beasts and monsters, related in their primitive form: The robustness of fantasy, in the hundred stories that make up this book, the The protection of nature takes on rhythms, the cosmos is formed, the human being is born, the diversity of animals appear and demonstrate themselves, according to the angle of vision of mythology Greco-Roman.

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Including the originals of the existence and history of man. Fables are never just fables, but vivid beings, transcribed from reality, have feelings and reflect. Described in an available dialogue comprising the beginning of the cradle of knowledge.

The forces of nature make living beings, animals appear and clarifies, forming the Universe, man appears, according to the view of Greco-Roman belief, the birth of human existence and history, all mentioned by the hundred history. Myths are not just myths, but individuals with a life of flesh and blood, all of which is exposed in an understandable conversation.

Download the book:The 100 Greatest Stories in Mythology

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