With a territorial extension of 142,827,897 square kilometers, Amapá is one of the federative units that make up the North Region. According to data released in 2010 by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the The total population of the state is 669,526 inhabitants, corresponding to 0.35% of the population of the Brazil.
Amapá has large demographic gaps, as its relative population is low – only 4.7 inhabitants per square kilometer. On the other hand, it has one of the highest demographic growth averages in the country: 3.4% per year. This fact is due, in addition to vegetative growth, to the large migratory flow to the region.
The State has one of the highest national urbanization averages (89.8% of the inhabitants live in urban areas). The capital, Macapá, is home to more than half of the state's population: 398,204 inhabitants. There are also 15 other municipalities, the most populous being: Santana (101,262), Laranjal do Jari (39,942), Oiapoque (20,509), Porto Grande (16,809) and Mazagão (17,032).
With a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.780, Amapá has the best average in the North Region and 12th in Brazil. The infant mortality rate is 22.5 deaths per thousand live births, slightly above the national average, which is 22. Another positive aspect is literacy, as 97.2% of Amapá people over 15 years of age are literate. However, one of the great problems of the State is the environmental sanitation services, which serve only 37% of the homes.
Amapá population information:
Inhabitant: Amapaense.
Composition: 20.3% white, 4.5% black, 74.4% brown, 0.8% indigenous.
Total population: 669,526 inhabitants.
Demographic density: 4.7 inhab/km².
Annual demographic growth: 3.4%.
Urban population: 89.8%.
Houses with access to treated water: 67.8%.
Houses with access to sewage network: 37.5%.
Infant mortality: 22.5 for every thousand live births.
Human Development Index (HDI): 0.780.
GDP per capita: R$ 11,033.
Intentional homicides (with intent to kill): 19.1 per 100,000 inhabitants.
By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team
Amapá - North region
geography of Brazil - Brazil School
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/brasil/aspectos-populacao-amapa.htm