Platform offers free and online storytelling course

Humans are programmed to share stories. Listening to a well-told tale literally causes a cascade of brain and hormonal changes that increase feelings of excitement, empathy and psychological reward.

You may not know the details of the neuroscience involved, but you've almost certainly experienced its effects. Probably with a bucket of popcorn in your lap, enjoying a fun Disney classic like Finding Nema or Wall-E, for example.

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Movie studios like Disney are among the best storytellers in the world. But the ability to take others on a mental journey, sparking understanding and gaining their attention, is a skill that virtually any professional can use.

Now the average person can learn a thing or two about captivating an audience with a great story. Even better, classes are offered for free online.

Thanks to the online learning site Courses School Education

, anyone with an interest in improving their storytelling skills and an Internet connection can learn the fundamentals of the craft.

The course is aimed at anyone who simply wants to know how to produce so many interesting stories. It also covers topics such as engaging an audience's emotions and creating compelling characters.


Check out the program content below:

  • What is storytelling?
  • Difference between reading and storytelling.
  • Main genres of stories told.
  • History of children's literature.
  • The importance of reading.
  • Transmission of values ​​through oral culture.
  • Basics of children's literature.
  • Types of children's stories.
  • Classification by age group.
  • Main authors of children's literature.
  • Application of storytelling at school.
  • Vygotsky's learning theory.
  • Reading guidelines at school.
  • Tips for reading projects at school.
  • Classics of national children's literature.
  • Brazilian children's tales.
  • Children's Tales from Brazilian Literature.
  • Bibliographic references.

Requirements and Certificate

There are no requirements to participate in this online course. Those interested only need to enter the website of School of Education courses and access the module.

If the student is interested in issuing a certificate of completion of the course (40 hours), R$ 39.90 is charged for the digital document and R$ 44.90 for the printed + digital certificate.

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