Nursery rhymes for reading

To the nursery rhymes are a great way to exercise children's imagination, as they have very playful lyrics that bring fun images to our memory when we sing and think about their lyrics.

In addition, the songs are happy stories and show popular socio-cultural manifestations in a recreational way, in addition to transmitting senses, meanings and moral values.

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Added to this, this is a way to insert reading as a practice for children, as they are sung, rhymed, fun and simple texts. Thus, they will get carried away with the reading and with the song itself.

The song “The frog does not wash his foot” is a way of trying to incorporate customs into the daily lives of the little ones and make them practice reading. check the nursery rhyme The frog does not wash his foot for reading.

Nursery rhymes for reading - The frog does not wash his feet - Form for Early Childhood Education

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