How much does a flight attendant earn?

If you've ever been on a plane, you've seen the work of a professional. If not, you've probably watched a movie or series where they had a character who was a flight attendant.

Therefore, flight attendants are the professionals which aims to ensure the tranquility and well-being of passengers during the flight. For this, they take care of the safety of the entire crew of the plane.

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What does a flight attendant do?

In their field of activity, professionals can work both in national and international transport. In addition, they can work on air taxis and commercial planes.

Therefore, its function is to carry out the verification of the seats and safety belts before the passengers boarding, as well as confirming that the safety equipment is working perfectly.

With the passengers on board, they direct everyone to their respective seats, inform about the flight procedures, as well as comply with requests made by the crew and which are within your reach.

In addition, it is also essential that professionals have the ability to self-control. This is because in the exercise of their function they may experience unexpected situations, and they need to calm passengers down in these circumstances.

It is not necessary to have higher education for the position. However, speaking other languages ​​is an essential factor for the profession. As well as being over 18 years of age and having completed high school.

It is also necessary to carry out the Theoretical and Practical Instruction Program established by the Flight Attendant Course Manual. As well as being approved in a course recognized by the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), and being approved in the agency's selection.

How much does a flight attendant earn?

The base salary for professional flight attendants is R$ 1,742.00. The information is from the National Union of Aeronauts. However, it is necessary to verify that there are a series of benefits and additional ones that can increase the salary of the category.

Therefore, the starting salary for a professional on domestic flights is around R$ 3,500.00. This is because there are increases due to the type of flight, its dangerousness, time and day of the week, as well as reservation hours, flight hours and bonuses.

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