Votorantim opens Selection for 2019 Summer Internship

The Votorantim Experience 2019 vacation internship program is open for applications to select university students enrolled in courses related to business, engineering or other related areas.

In addition to the job opportunity, the participants selected at the end of the selection process also win a scholarship for an online finance course at a partner educational institution of Votorantim.

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Those selected will have the opportunity to experience the company's routine for 6 hours a day in July. The Votorantim vacation internship provides, for interns, the development of a project from beginning to end, in the area of ​​Corporate and Real Estate Investment Management.

For selection, you must send resume to email [email protected] (with the subject “Votorantim Experience Registration”).

 Upon submission, applicants who meet the requirements will receive a file with questions about expectations and past activities, particularly with student organizations.

Then, there will be an invitation to participate in the in-person stage, which will take place at the office in São Paulo on June 8th. At this stage, candidates will have their problem-solving ability tested.

To participate in the internship program it is necessary to have training scheduled for dates from 2020 and to be interested in the subject of corporate finance.

The benefits offered are stipend, transport voucher, meal voucher, life insurance and medical assistance. Applications will be accepted until May 29th.

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