Below or below

down andbelow are some of the words in the Portuguese language that tend to confuse even fluent speakers. After all, our writing contains several specific rules, so many doubts are generated.

So what's the correct way? Down or under? Both are correct, but are used in different contexts.

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Check now when to use below or below.


The word below refers to something that is in a lower position. Despite being used as an adverb of place, it can also be used in situations involving interjections.

Below is synonymous with: under, under, under, underneath, among others.

Check out examples with the word below:

  • check out below more information about the coronavirus.
  • her name is below yours.
  • John made a below-signed to remove Luzia from the class.
  • my grades are below from normal.


The word below is synonymous with: down, from below and even down. Furthermore, it is antonym of: from above and from above. Below are some examples of adverbial phrases:

  • She looks me up below.
  • Peter watched the candidate from a height below.
  • Let's wash high below of this house.
  • I looked from above below and I didn't find it.

See too:

  • Too much or too much?
  • Fourteen or fourteen?
  • Will you come or will I come?
  • sunset, sunset, sunset or sunset

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