Mathematics topics you NEED to know for the ENEM

Some themes from mathematics are always billed National High School Exam (And either). Although the test is diverse, based on previous exams, it is possible to notice contents that are always addressed.

If you don't know where to start studying or want to check if you're on the right path, this post is for you, as we've listed the contents that fall very frequently in the test.

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Below, check out some of the math topics you need to know for the enem.

Mathematics topics for the exam

Check out topics to study and have more chances of performing well in the Enem math test.

1 – Fractions, decimals and percentages

In many Enem questions, you can find information expressed in fractional, decimal or percentage form.

\dpi{120} \frac{1}{4} 0.25 25%

Therefore, these contents are basic and very important for those who want to succeed in the test. You need to know how to deal with numbers in these three different ways, convert between them and perform operations.

how to calculate percentage

If you have questions or difficulties with fractions, we suggest reading the following texts:

  • Adding and Subtracting Fractions
  • Multiplying fractions
  • division of fractions

To know more about decimal numbers, how to do math with numbers with a comma, see:

  • Adding Decimal Numbers
  • Multiplying decimal numbers
  • Division of decimal numbers
  • Rounding and estimating decimal numbers

If you have problems with percentages, check the text: How to calculate percentage?

2 – Quantities, ratios and proportions

Quantities, ratios and proportions they are also contents that are very present in the Enem test, they are themes that can be applied to various everyday problems.

Quantities can be time, cost, weight, height, speed, temperature, among others. In many situations, quantities are directly or inversely related. To understand the distinction between the types of quantities, read: Magnitudes directly and inversely proportional.

In addition, dedicate yourself to the study of ratios and proportions. Problems that seem to be complicated are often solved only from these two concepts and the use of their properties.

See too: Exercises on ratio and proportion

3 – Rule of three

Rule of three can be simple or compound. In Enem, the most basic case, rule of three simple, is what tends to fall the most.

It is a simple procedure, however, many people tend to make mistakes with regard to magnitudes. If the magnitudes are directly proportional, the way to calculate is one. But if the magnitudes are inversely proportional, the form is different.

See the different ways to rule of three simple and how to calculate by checking a list of rule of three exercises that we prepared.

To know about the compound three rule, look: Exercises on the rule of three compound.

4 – Equations and functions

In the Enem test, there are always questions with equations and functions. The first step is to know that equations and functions are related, but they are not the same thing.

If you have doubts about this, read: Differences between function and equation.

line equation

1st degree equation It is 2nd degree equation are the most charged. In the second case, you will need to know how to calculate the discriminating and use the Bhaskara's formula.

See too:

  • Signs of a 2nd degree equation
  • How to graph the function of the 2nd degree

A 1st degree role and the 2nd degree role They also fall a lot on the test. In addition to these, it is important to know other functions, such as:

  • logarithmic function
  • exponential function
  • modular function

5 - Probability and Statistics

questions of probabilityIt is and statistics are very common in the Enem.


On the part ofprobability, you will need to know the basics: random experiment, event, sample space, probability formula.

In addition, it is important to know a little about set theory, know how to calculate probability of union, intersection and conditional probability.

Combinatorial analysis, arrangements and combinations, are also contents present in the test. These matters are worth keeping an eye on!

In statistic, practice a lot the interpretation of graphics and the analysis of data grouped into ranges. The Enem test is full of graphics and tables!

See also how to calculate and interpret the measures of centrality and the dispersion measures.

6 - Areas and volumes

Areas and volumes are themes of plane geometry It is spatial geometry, respectively.

space figures

See the main formulas and how to calculate the flat figure area more common:

  • square area
  • triangle area
  • rectangle area
  • circle area
  • trapeze area
  • diamond area

Also, check out the main formulas and how to calculate the volume of Geometric solids common:

  • cube volume
  • cone volume
  • cylinder volume
  • pyramid volume
  • sphere volume

You may also be interested:

  • math formulas
  • mathematical symbols
  • How to prepare for Enem and entrance exams now; Find out here!
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