What does BTW mean (by the way)?

btw, or by the way, is an expression in English that means “by the way”, “by the way”, “by the way”. The expression is often used in social media, either in an instant conversation, or in a meme.

When using the expression, an attempt is made to give coherence to a sentence, by mentioning something that is not related, but can make sense with what was said. See some examples.

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  • Tomorrow is Rafaela's birthday! btw, mine is next month.
  • Your smile is beautiful! By the way, I will take my braces off at my next dentist appointment.
  • Your hair is beautiful! btw, I also need to go to the hairdresser.

It is recommended that the user not use this type of expression in formal conversations, as it is a colloquial language, common on social networks and internet chats with friends or family.

Like this btw, there are several other acronyms that can be used on the internet, such as LOL (laughing out loud

– “laughing a lot”), ASAP (as soon as possible – “as soon as possible”), FYI (for your information - "for your information"), OMG (Oh meu deus - "my God!").

In addition to by the way, btw there may be other variations on the internet, such as back to work (“back to work”) or beginning to worry (“beginning to worry”), all of which are used on social media.

See too:

  • What does NSFW mean?
  • What does Maktub mean?
  • What is a bug? Understand the meaning and origin of slang

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