STF evaluates sharing Petrobras fine with areas other than Education

According to information gathered by the Andréia Sadi, TV Globo reporter, the more than R$ 2.5 billion that Petrobras will invest in the country as compensation for fraud at the state-owned company will have a portion destined for the Education, but not all of the amount should be allocated to the Ministry of Education (MEC), and it will also be divided between health and safety, indicate technicians who study the case.

Last week, President Jair Bolsonaro, over coffee with journalists, reaffirmed that he had the money from the fine to counteract the cut in education.

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The government intends to allocate “most or all of the value of the Petrobras fine agreed with Lava Jato to the Ministry of Education”, as the president also said, on a social network.

But the STF may decide to divide this amount, according to Court sources. The rapporteur for the case is Minister Alexandre de Moraes.

Petrobras closed an agreement with the US authorities to return US$ 853 million to investors in compensation for fraud at the state-owned company. This agreement provides for the investment of US$ 682 million in Brazil – the amount was converted into real and deposited in a judicial account, but is blocked.

After the agreement in the United States, the Lava Jato Task Force of the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) in Paraná then closed another commitment with Petrobras to define the way of applying the values.

According to the text, half of the amount (about BRL 1.25 billion) would be invested in an endowment fund to be managed by a private foundation to distribute proceeds to projects to fight corruption and promote citizenship and integrity.

Although the Task Force backtracked on the private fund after criticism, the agreement between the state-owned company and the MPF was completely suspended by decision of Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the STF. Now, the Supreme will decide how the money will be used.

Minister Paulo Guedes, of the Economy, has already defended the exclusive use for education. The Minister of Justice, Sérgio Moro, suggested that the amounts be allocated to the Penitentiary Fund (Funpen) and the Advocacy General of the Union (AGU) made a proposal to the Supreme Court to improve the prison system.

The Attorney General of the Republic, Raquel Dodge, pointed out the need to invest in education, but has not yet formally given an opinion on the destination of the amounts.

Currently, Minister Alexandre de Moraes' team is analyzing the possibilities and awaiting budget feasibility studies.

If there is an agreement in the federal government on the application of money, Minister Moraes will be able to decide alone on the allocation of resources from the billionaire fund. If each branch of government asks for a destination, it is possible that a final decision will be up to the STF plenary.

See too: Prouni of the 2nd semester will open registrations on June 11

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