How to issue a second copy of a Banco Honda bank slip?

O Honda seat, present in Brazil since 2000, allows both individuals and companies to do the car or motorcycle finance with more competitive interest rates.

This happens because its financing system is done directly with Honda, without intermediaries or middlemen.

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Financing works through Consumer Direct Credit (CDC), so that obtaining a Honda vehicle is the quickest and most practical way.

Just like every bank, from time to time we face some difficulty with the service. A issuance of duplicate ticket is one of the main ones, since it is very common for customers to miss it.

How to request a duplicate of the Honda Bank slip?

If you are already registered with Banco Honda Online, just access the site to issue the 2nd copy of the bank slip, clicking on “Request and print the 2nd copy of the Boleto Banco Honda Financiamentos” and enter the CPF, the holder’s password and click on “Confirm”.

If you are not registered, access the website and follow the steps:

  • Select between the natural or legal person options;
  • Fill in all the necessary data;
  • Create a virtual password using the virtual keyboard on the right of the screen;
  • Once registered, check your email to confirm your account.

For second way of financing booklet, the steps are the same, only the link is different.

At the Honda Bank Online it is possible to consult several services to facilitate your service and your requests. Among the services offered are:

  • Issuance of Electronic Ticket;
  • Statement (see details of your financing);
  • Consult the Financing Status;
  • Updating Registration Data (update your address, telephone number and other information);
  • 2 Copy of the Banco Honda Financing Card (printing of all slips to expire);
  • Declaration of Debts (see all Honda financing payments);
  • Forms (access documents for debt transfer and others);
  • Change of registration in Banco Honda Online (change password, email).

See too: Banco do Nordeste Loan: How to do it?

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