List of exercises on echinoderms

You echinodermsare marine animals belonging to the Phylum Echinodermata. They have a water distribution system that is characteristic of the group and is called the ambulacral system.

We prepared a list of exercises on echinoderms so you can test your knowledge of the starfish group.

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Exercises on Echinoderms

1) (IFBA) IBGE prepared a map that locates the 238 aquatic species and subspecies at risk of extinction in the Brazilian territory. The map reveals that 79 threatened species are aquatic invertebrates such as starfish and sea urchins. The other 159 include freshwater and saltwater fish. According to the survey, São Paulo is the state with the most species at risk of extinction, followed by Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul and Bahia. The main factors are: destruction of animal habitats, pollution and indiscriminate fishing. IBGE prepared…., 2009, p.17.

Regarding the echinoderms, a group that includes stars and sea urchins, it is correct to state that:

a) most adult individuals have bilateral symmetry, while larvae have pentaradial symmetry.
b) males insert their gonads inside the female's ovaries, thus performing internal fertilization.
c) echinoderms are exclusively marine animals and have a hydrovascular system related to food capture and locomotion.
d) reproduction of these animals is basically asexual and development is direct.
e) sea stars and sea urchins are strictly herbivorous animals, feeding on algae present in the plankton.

2) (UFU) Choose the alternative that correctly completes the gaps in the text below.

In Echinodermata, _______________ which includes animals exclusively _______________ such as _______________, there is a hydrovascular system, called the _______________ system. The body is covered externally by a ciliated epidermis under which lies a _______________.

a) class, marine, anemone, flame, endoskeleton.
b) phylum, aquatic, starfish, madreporic, exoskeleton.
c) class, aquatic, anemone, ambulacral, exoskeleton.
d) phylum, marine, starfish, ambulacral, endoskeleton.
e) phylum, marine, starfish, ambulacral, exoskeleton.

3) The echinoderms are a relatively small group with about 6 thousand species distributed in five classes:

a) Chelicerata, Asteroidea, Echinoidea, Hirudinea and Cephalopoda.
b) Cephalopoda, Asteroidea, Bivalvia, Oligochaeta and Polychaeta.
c) Gastropoda, Echinoidea, Hirudinea, Crinoidea and Holothuroidea.
d) Asteroidea, Echinoidea, Holothuroidea, Ophiuroidea and Crinoidea.
e) Uniramia, Asteroidea, Echinoidea, Hirudinea, Crinoidea and Cephalopoda.

4) (PUC-RS) Echinoderms constitute an anatomically differentiated zoological group, with pentameral radial symmetry and a skeleton composed of fused dermal plates (eg. sea ​​urchins) or non-fused (eg. sea ​​cucumbers). The hydrovascular system, also called ambulacral, is particularly interesting, as it works as a hydraulic system, in which a fluid is pumped through a sophisticated set of bags and channels.

In Echinoderms, the main functions of the hydrovascular system are _______________ and _______________.

a) reproduction / excretion
b) reproduction / feeding
c) excretion / respiration
d) locomotion / food
e) locomotion / reproduction

5) In echinoderms there is a structure, specialized in locomotion, formed by the madreporic plate in the region opposite the mouth, stony canal, circular canal, radial canals, ampullae and small “feet”, called feet _______________. The water penetrates through the madreporic plate, passes through the stony channel to the circular channel. In this channel, water is distributed to the radial channels and to the ampullae, which contract and push water towards the feet, causing them to stretch. This system is called _______________.

Mark the alternative that correctly completes the sentences:

a) Aristotelians and Aristotle's lantern.
b) Radials and pentaradial system.
c) Hydrovascular and vascular system.
d) Outpatient clinics and outpatient system.
e) Locomotors and locomotor system.

6) (OMEC) Check the alternative that points out the mistake made in the characterization of the phylum Echinodermata: “They are animals exclusively marine, pentaradiate organization, with bilaterally symmetrical larvae, external calcareous skeleton, triploblastic and deuterostomes”.

a) Exclusively marine animals.
b) Bilateral symmetry larvae.
c) External calcareous skeleton.
d) triploblastic.
e) Deuterostomes.

7) On the body surface of echinoderms, in addition to the presence of spines, structures called pedicellariae can be found. These structures have the following main function:

a) carry out extracellular digestion.
b) capture movement in the water.
c) remove debris from the animal's body.
d) reproduction of the animal.
e) carry out the locomotion.

8) (PUC-PR) Regarding Echinoderms, analyze below and mark the correct alternative.

I) The ambulacral or aquifer system is unique to these animals.
II) They are exclusively marine animals;
III) They are coelomates, deuterostomes, with radial symmetry in the adult phase and bilateral symmetry in the larval phase and calcareous endoskeleton of mesodermal origin;
IV) Form notochord and neural tube;
V) All its representatives present Aristotle's lantern to scrape the food.

Are correct:

a) all alternatives.
b) only alternatives I, II and III.
c) only alternatives I, III and IV.
d) only alternatives II, III, IV and V.
e) only alternatives I, II and V.

9) (PUC-PR) With the name lantern-of-Aristotle, the organ and the animal that appears are known:

a) in the eye of certain fish that inhabit the bottom of the oceans.
b) in the ovipositor system of certain crustaceans.
c) in the sensory system of rotifers.
d) in the antennae of arachnids.
e) in the digestive system of echinoderms, more specifically in sea urchins.

10) (CESCEM) Echinoderms are related to chordates because:

a) have a calcareous exoskeleton.
b) are protostomes.
c) are deuterostomes.
d) appeared at about the same time.
e) have a pluristratified epidermis.


1 – c
2 – and
3 – d
4 – d
5 – d

6 – c
7 – c
8 – b
9 and
10 – c

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