Fies, Sisu and ProUni registrations: See the dates!

If you are a student, you need to be aware of government programs that promote entry into higher education. Therefore, see now the forecast of when the Fies, Sisu and ProUni registrations will be in 2022.

The Sesu (Secretary of Higher Education), a body of the MEC (Ministry of Education) has not yet released the schedule with the registration period for the Fies, Sisu and ProUni programs.

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However, considering that the Enem 2021 result is scheduled for February 11, 2022, there is a possibility that enrollment in these programs will occur as follows:

  • Student Financing Fund (Fies): March 01 to 04, 2022;
  • Unified Selection System (SiSU): from February 15 to 18, 2022;
  • University for All Program (ProUni): from February 22 to 25, 2022.

Since this is a forecast and not the official dates, you need to pay attention to the new information about the schedule. Now, take the opportunity to learn a little more about each program.

 Student Financing Fund

Fies is a government program that allows students to finance courses at private educational institutions. It is aimed at higher education and, in this sense, the idea is to encourage low-income students to enter the country's universities. In this way, the student only begins to pay off the debt after graduation.

Unified Selection System

Sisu is aimed at vacancies in public educational institutions, both state and federal. In order to participate in the selection, it is necessary to meet certain criteria, such as not having finished writing the National High School Examination (Enem) to zero, for example. In addition, only the grade of the last exam taken is accepted.

If you intend to try Sisu, it is necessary to follow the System's website, as well as the page of the educational institution of interest, in order to know the information, rules and deadlines.

University for All Program

ProUni is a scholarship grant program of 50% or 100% in private higher education institutions. Primarily, the rule to apply for a scholarship is to have a family income of up to 3 minimum wages. Also, people who already have a higher education degree cannot participate.

The average required in Enem 2021 to participate in ProUni is at least 450 points. Furthermore, if the wording has been zeroed, it is not possible to apply for scholarships.

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