How much does an English teacher earn?

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O english teacher and the professional responsible for teaching the language to their students. Therefore, it teaches grammatical rules, expressions and the orality of the English language.

Your audience can be diverse. That's because from children to the elderly can be students of English. However, it is more common to find language teachers in education systems, whether primary or secondary.

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In addition, it is also quite common to find professionals in language schools. With globalization and the insertion of North American culture in our country, there are more and more language schools, whether small or large and known throughout Brazil.

Another possibility for teachers is to pursue a self-employed career. In this way, they give classes to individuals and small groups, in a private way. Some also prefer to pursue an academic career and become university professors. For each of these performances the qualification is different.

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Therefore, in order to teach in schools and pursue an academic career, it is necessary to have a higher education in Literature, in the English modality, either as a bachelor's degree or degree.

Improvement courses, language courses, as well as specializations and postgraduate courses in the language also make professionals able to teach the language.

In addition to higher education, English teachers need to be constantly updated, have a good command of the language, either orally or in writing.


The remuneration of an English teacher will vary according to their area of ​​expertise. Thus, professionals in basic education (elementary and high school) have a minimum salary of R$ 1,697.00, for 40 hours a week of work. The data were defined by the Ministry of Education in 2014.

On the other hand, the starting salary for university professors is R$ 1,966.67, with a 20-hour work week. It is important to remember that bonuses related to courses and postgraduate studies greatly increase the salary.

This way, a college professor of English with a doctorate can earn up to R$ 15,956.07, with exclusive dedication.

In addition, according to information from the job site Catho, an English teacher earns an average of R$ 1,363.50. However, for self-employed professionals, the value varies according to the hours worked.

In this way, private teachers can earn from R$ 50.00 to R$ 100.00 per class. However, it should be noted that the values ​​vary according to the city and state of operation.

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