Prouni of the 2nd Semester Closes Enrollments This Friday (14th)!

It will be closed this Friday (14), registrations for University for All Program (Prouni) of the 2nd semester. Those interested can register until 23:59.

The Ministry of Education (MEC) program offers scholarships, whether full (100%) or partial (50%), in private educational institutions throughout Brazil. This is a way of encouraging access to higher education for low-income people.

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Run! The complementary registration period for Fies is open…

Ministry of Education releases first call for Prouni 2023

At this time, 169,226 places are available, of which 68,087 are full scholarships and 101,139 are partial, which charge 50% of the monthly fee.

Who can join?

To participate, it is necessary to have participated in the National High School Examination (Enem) 2018 and obtained at least an average of 450 points in the test. Candidates with zero essays are disqualified from the program. In addition, the student cannot have a higher education diploma.

To the full scholarships are intended for students with gross monthly family income per capita of up to 1.5 minimum wages. while the

partial scholarships (50%) require per capita gross monthly family income of up to 3 minimum wages.


To participate in the program, it is essential that the candidate agrees with at least one of the following situations:

  • Having attended high school in a public school;
  • Have attended high school in a private school, as long as you are a full scholarship holder;
  • Have a disability;
  • Be a permanent teacher at a public school (in this case, the family income criterion does not apply).


On the 18th of June, on the Prouni website, the results of the first call will be announced. While the second list will come out on July 2nd, at the same address.

Upon being pre-selected, it is necessary to go to the higher education institution where you will study to verify the data informed in the application. From the 2nd to the 11th of July.

In case of remaining vacancies, there will be a waiting list on the 18th of July.

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