Are you or are you?

is or be? The two words, despite existing in the Portuguese language, generate doubts even among those who are fluent in the language. After all, what is the right time to apply is or be?

While one is the conjugated form of the verb estar in the 3rd person singular of the present indicative, or in the 2nd person singular of the imperative, another is the form of the verb in the infinitive.

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With this information in mind, let's answer the question: what is the ideal time to use está or estar?

The word it is should be used to indicate an action that is happening at the exact moment, while be, in verbal phrases with undefined subjects.

Know when to use it is

The word it is, in addition to indicating an action that takes place at the exact moment of the narration, it also refers to a habitual action and a permanent state of a situation.

Check out how the word is conjugated in the present indicative and in the imperative:

Verb to be — Present tense indicative

  • I am
  • You are
  • He is
  • We are
  • You are
  • They are

verb to be — Imperative

  • (You are
  • (You be
  • (we) be
  • (you) stay
  • (you) be

see the examples like this below and understand better when to use the word:

  • Are you busy?
  • Lucas is leaving.
  • Maria called me. He said he's at the party.
  • Is he still studying math?

Know when to use be

The word be it is mainly used in verbal phrases in which the verb is governed by a preposition or when there is no defined subject, with other uses.

To better understand when to use the word, read the examples with being below:

  • John should be happy with the news.
  • Maria must be studying pedagogy.
  • He could be waiting for me.
  • She must be at the party.

See too:

  • Advice or accessory
  • Ask or ask?
  • At last or in the end?
  • The end or the end?
  • sunset, sunset, sunset or sunset

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