15 Species of Brazilian Butterflies

In addition to the diversity, beauty and color that nature has, it also has numerous species of animals, some of which stand out for their beauty and delicacy. It is the case of the butterfly. These little animals represent grace, perfection and symmetry. In addition, it is a symbol of happiness, beauty, inconstancy, the ephemerality of nature and renewal, which is why it is very common to get a tattoo. With that in mind, we made a list of 15 different species of Brazilian butterflies, so you can learn more about this species with its delicate traits.

kale butterfly

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Its scientific name is Ascia monuste. It has this popular name for commonly being among the cabbages of some plantation, when in the caterpillar stage.

butterfly eighty-eight

This small butterfly got its name because it has a design similar to the number 88 on the underside of its wings.

The blue morpho or skipjack (Morpho helenor achillides)

They are attention-grabbing butterflies due to broad vertical bands of bright blue on their upper faces and distinctive rings. concentric in white, black, yellow and red, which form eyespots on the back of its fore and hind wings with shades of olive green and brown.


Arawacus athesa is a species of butterfly in the Lycaenidae family. It is endemic to Brazil. It has yellow and black strokes.

pearl panacea

Species of butterfly in the Nymphalidae family. It is found from Costa Rica to southern Brazil.

Mesene epaphus epaphus

It is a neotropical butterfly of the family Riodinidae, found in the northern region of Brazil, midwest

Stick-seater (Hamadryas amphinome amphinome)

It has this name because it “seats” on the trunks always upside down and chooses surfaces that help camouflage. When taking off, it makes a hissing sound with its wings, which gave rise to the name “cracker”.

imperiali chests

About 3 centimeters long, this butterfly has two thin, long, curved tails on each wing.


It is a butterfly of the nymphalidae family, of the danaine subfamily, widely distributed in the Americas. Such butterflies have a wingspan of about 70 mm, orange wings with black stripes and white markings.

Siproeta Stelenes

It has the popular name known as “malachite”. These species have wings with serrated contours, with a wingspan of about 8 to 9 centimeters.

heliconius ethilla

is a neotropical butterfly of the family Nymphalidae and subfamily Heliconiinae, native from southern Central America, in Panama, to Argentina, in South America

Methona (Manaca butterfly)

Coming from the nymphalid family, the manacá butterfly is commonly found in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Such butterflies have wings with details of yellow, white and black coloring. They usually adapt to the urban environment in which there are manacás, a plant that serves as food for their caterpillars, hence the popular name by which it is known.

Historis Odius

Usually staying in embaúba leaves, this butterfly appreciates ripe fruits fallen to the ground, and is found practically in places where there is the embaúba plant (caterpillar food).

Anteos Menippe

It is a large and showy butterfly, with fast and irregular flight. Its color is predominantly dark yellow mixed with light yellow.

juonia evarate

Butterfly that draws attention for the beauty of its wings, this one, likes small wild flowers, in which it takes its sustenance.

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