List of exercises on cnidarians

You cnidariansare aquatic animals belonging to the Phylum Cnidaria and may also be called coelenterates. Cnidarians have a cell called a cnidocyte, which releases a nematocyst containing stinging fluid thatwhen they are in danger.

We prepared a list of exercises about cnidarians so you can test your knowledge about these coelenterate animals.

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Exercises on cnidarians

1) (UFPR) – List the columns and mark the correct alternative:

(1) Choanocytes
(2) Nerve cells
(3) Atrium
(4) Mesenchyme
(5) Cnidoblasts

( ) Central cavity of sponges.
( ) Defense cells of the coelenterates.
( ) Mesoglea, below the epidermis.
( ) Intracellular digestion of porifera.
( ) Middle layer of porifera structure.

a) 3 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 4.
b) 5 – 3 – 2 – 1 – 4.
c) 5 – 2 – 3 – 1 – 4.
d) 3 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 1.
e) 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 4.

2) (UESB) Animals of the Phylum Cnidaria present, among other characteristics:

a) breathing carried out by the body surface.
b) absence of gastrovascular cavity.
c) embryo with three germ layers.
d) body with bilateral symmetry.
e) ganglionic nervous system.

3) All of these animals are examples of cnidarians, except:

a) jellyfish.
b) coral.
c) Portuguese caravel.
d) sea anemone.
e) starfish.

4) (FUVEST) The Great Barrier Reef stretches over 2,000 km along the northeast coast of Australia and is considered one of the largest structures built by living beings. What are these organisms and how do they form these reefs?

a) Sponges – at the expense of calcareous secretions.
b) Coelenterates – at the expense of calcareous and siliceous spicules in its body.
c) Cnidarian polyps – due to calcareous secretions.
d) Porifera – at the expense of earthly calcareous material.
e) Cnidarians – at the expense of calcareous material from the soil, such as gypsum.

5) Jellyfish are examples of representatives of the phylum Cnidaria that frequently cause accidents on beaches. Reports of people who have been burned by these animals are common. These beings have as a form of defense a cell capable of releasing a stinging liquid, which in humans can cause burns. The name of this cell is:

a) choanocytes.
b) amoebocytes.
c) cnidoblasts.
d) chelicera.
e) pinacocytes.

6) What is the name given to the typical cnidarian cell that acts in defense and helps these animals capture prey?

a) cnidocytes.
b) cnidas.
c) nematocyst.
d) cnidocilia.
e) cnidoderm.

7) (UFV) Digestion of coelenterates takes place:

a) in intra and extracellular media.
b) in the extracellular medium.
c) in the anterior coelom.
d) in the intracellular environment.
e) in the posterior coelom.

8) Cnidarians are diploblastic animals, which have two basic forms. We can classify this phylum into three classes. Mark the alternative that correctly indicates this division:

a) Class Turbellaria, Anthozoa and Scaphopoda.
b) Class Hydrozoa, Trematoda and Turbellaria.
c) Class Scyphozoa, Cephalopoda and Scaphopoda.
d) Class Monoplacophora, Scaphopoda and Pelecypoda.
e) Class Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa and Anthozoa.

9) Most cnidarians go through two stages in life: the polyp and the medusa. Regarding the life cycle of these animals, mark the incorrect alternative.

a) Most polyps are sessile, that is, they are attached to the substrate.
b) Jellyfish are generally swimming.
c) Polyps and jellyfish have a mouth but no anus.
d) Only jellyfish have tentacles.
e) Some species of polyps are able to move through the substrate.

10) (PUC-SP) A colony of polyps forms, by budding, small jellyfish. These release gametes into the environment, where fertilization occurs. From the zygote, a ciliated larva emerges, which gives rise to a new colony of polyps.

The above description refers to one:

a) cnidarian, which presents alternation of generations.
b) cnidarian, which presents exclusively sexual reproduction.
c) spongiary, which presents exclusively sexual reproduction.
d) spongiary, which presents alternation of generations.
e) platyhelminth, which presents sexual and asexual reproduction, without alternation of generations.


1 and
2 – the
3 – and
4 – c
5 – c

6 – the
7 – the
8 – and
9 – d
10 – the

Click here to save the list of cnidarian exercises in PDF!

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