Credit for Banco Itaú Unibanco companies (long and short term)

O Itaú Unibanco is known as one of the largest banks today. In addition, the bank is not only aimed at employees or personal customers, but also at entrepreneurs.

With that in mind, Itaú offers several business credits, which allow leverage in the finances of the business. This in a short amount of time. There is also the possibility of planning a long-term evolution.

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The bank offers a special line of credit both for individual micro-entrepreneurs and for large and renowned companies. That is, Itau is always attentive to the customer's needs.

Check out the options credit for companies from Banco Itaú Unibanco.

Credit Itaú Unibanco: Short term

Check out ideas from short-term credit for Banco Itaú Unibanco companies:

Working capital 

Working capital is a loan created especially for optimize cash flow. This idea of ​​credit has several advantages, such as the possibility of offering sales with cards or solidary debt as an investment guarantee.

Furthermore, there is the possibility of choosing the amount of installments that fits the needs of the company. This service can be hired in person at the branch, at ATMs, or even through the application.

Prepayment of Receivables 

The Prepayment of Receivables is applied in cases of companies that have some value to receive in the long term. Therefore, if the venture needs capital for the business, Itau helps.

The bank allows anticipate receivables. This avoids a drop in cash flow. For this, it is necessary to have card machines accredited by Itau partners.

In addition, receipt and bank flags, Advance Agreement and Discounts. Finally, a credit limit that allows the operation to be carried out. These sales can be advanced up to 365 days before the original expiration date.

The amount will be deposited into the account immediately (or on dates that have been previously determined). The choice for the payment start date is yours.

Overdraft Check (LIS)

The overdraft offered by Itau Unibanco is similar to that of other banks. It is also known as the “checking account limit”. This means that an amount of money is reserved in your account for unforeseen business events.

The situation can be accompanied by the bank statement itself. Interest is paid with the amount available in your account. This idea is short term. Therefore, if you need to negotiate the payment, Itaú will be at your disposal.

Secure account for companies

This is a contractual account. That is, provided only for the moment of the contract. The credit limits are present and the movement is simplified. Therefore, the company can use it whenever necessary.

Limit redemption is also done in a very simple way. It can be carried out over the internet from home or at the company or even by Itaú's business manager.

immediate credit 

This type of credit is very short-term. That is, made only for immediate business needs, especially when money needs to be in hand in a matter of minutes.

With this, the money is immediately credited to the company's account and is calculated at the simple interest rate. That is, the amount will be returned to Itaú in just one installment, with interest added according to time.

Therefore, if the customer wants a longer period to make the payment, higher interest will be added. This is according to the tariff table of Banco Itaú.

Credit Itaú Unibanco: Long term

Check out ideas from credits for companies of Banco Itaú Unibanco in the short term:

CDC – Direct Customer Credit

With this credit, the customer hires new machinery and equipment, transport vehicles (whether light or heavy). This can be done in a very practical way, with competitive conditions and freedom to pay in any way possible.

To carry out the CDC, an investment of R$ 5,000.00 is required. There is the possibility of full financing. Therefore, Itaú pays the supplier itself in cash and the customer is only responsible for negotiating the financing amount with the bank.

The company can initiate payment in up to 48 months. Therefore, lower risks are caused to the business, since the acquired good itself is the guarantee.


Itaú Unibanco provides BNDES card transfers to small, medium and long-term entrepreneurs. With this, negotiations and financing of registered vehicles and machinery are possible. Facilitating the operation of the client.

For this purchase to be made, the cardholder must go to the agency's catalog, which has more than 200,000 accredited equipment. Afterwards, they must follow the steps indicated by them until hiring.

The day fixed by the BNDES for payments is every 15th. This amount varies between 3 and 48 installments. The financing of each card can reach the value of R$ 1,000,000.00 reais. The interest rate is released annually by the BNDES.

real estate credit 

Mortgage credit makes it easier when it comes to incorporate a new or semi-new property. Hiring is very practical. It is not necessary to provide documents of the property or the seller. Therefore, the process is streamlined.

In addition, it is possible to preserve equity capital and rely on a specialized team to meet the needs during this procedure. This generates greater trust between customer and bank, thus demonstrating the best service.


When your company relates to third parties for financial purposes, the guarantee is a guarantee. Therefore, prepayment to suppliers, rent, lawsuits, operations involving BM&F Bovespa becomes safer. This through the partnership with Itaú.

In addition, this operation is very simple to carry out, as it is carried out only between the customer and Itaú.

Rural credit 

The rural producer is not left out of the credits offered by Itau. Check it out below:

For marketing and storage

  • FGPP – Financing for Product Price Guarantee;
  • FEE – Special Financing for Storage of Agricultural Products.

credit to cooperatives

  • Advances to cooperative members;
  • Supply to cooperative members;
  • Industrialization.

costing and Investment

  • Agricultural funding;
  • Agricultural funding;
  • Livestock costing in partnership;
  • Costing or industrialization of fish;
  • Agricultural or livestock investment.

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