Burnout syndrome

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The burnout syndrome, or Burnout syndrome, described in 1974, is a psychological illness characterized by a feeling of failure, exhaustion. emotional, reduced personal fulfillment and insensitivity of the individual towards their work and all those involved in the exercise of their profession.

It appears chronically, not disappearing after a period of rest or absence. Headache, insomnia and gastrointestinal problems are some physical symptoms that may appear, before, during or after these periods.

One of the main causes that trigger this syndrome is low professional achievement. Long working hours, isolation, overload, low wages, unattainable goals, high level of stress are also other factors that favor the individual to acquire it. Thus, health professionals, educators, firefighters and air traffic controllers are among those most subject to it.

The first negative feelings triggered by the syndrome are sent to colleagues and clients, treating them with cynicism, detachment and insensitivity, the latter aspect being what differentiates this syndrome from depression and also from stress.

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After a certain period, friends and family are also affected; and, finally, the individual himself. At this stage, he is prone to decreased income, increased absenteeism, depression, drug use and aggressive behavior. Thus, in addition to compromising the professional's quality of life, the quality of their service is also affected, which can trigger serious consequences, considering that your work directly involves others individuals.

The treatment of this syndrome is done through psychiatric and psychotherapeutic follow-up. the use of drugs such as analgesics, mineral supplements, anxiolytics or antidepressants.

Considering all these aspects and the fact that treatment for this syndrome is time-consuming and expensive, focusing on its prevention should be a priority. Thus, the practice of physical exercise, booking schedules for rest and leisure and investing in quality interpersonal relationships are some measures that minimize the possibilities of develop it.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude/sindrome-estafa-profissional.htm


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