20 famous popular expressions

To the popular expressions are famous terms that generally carry symbolic and implicit meanings. Therefore, many should not be taken literally.

They are linked to orality and common sense.

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In addition, they are short and objective terms, but loaded with poetic essence.

Considering these aspects, today, we will delve into the study of popular expressions, their origins and the most famous examples.

Popular expressions: origins and examples

Many current popular expressions emerged centuries ago, often with other meanings. However, oral tradition adapted these expressions to historical contexts.

We must bear in mind that the history of individuals carries linguistic expressions and concepts of its own. Therefore, history and language dialogue with each other. History influences language.

We can observe how popular expressions are shaped over time by the two examples below:

  • seven-headed beast

The popular expression “seven-headed beast”, which currently means a big problem, originated from the mythology of the 12 labors of Hercules.

This narrative addresses that one of Hercules' trades was to murder the hydra, a seven-headed snake that lived in Lerna, a swamp in Greece.

This animal was very scary and every time Hercules cut off the animal's head, two appeared in the same place.

Analyzing the origin of this popular expression, we can say that there have been major semantic changes.

Hercules' problem was big since when he cut off the snake's head, it duplicated itself. Of course, today, we do not refer to this expression literarily as Hercules.

  • spin the baiana

Another popular expression that adapted to contexts over time was “rotar a baiana”.

Rotating the baiana in our current daily life means creating confusion, but it originated in the carnival of bahia at the beginning of the 20th century.

Many young men were in the habit of pinching women's bottoms during revelry. Disgusted with this situation, the baianas began to parade with capoeiristas undercover.

These capoeiristas dressed up as baianas. Thus, when they received inappropriate pinches from the boys, the costumed capoeiristas took revenge with razors. Soon, there was a lot of violence.

Below see the 20 most famous ancient popular expressions:

  1. anteater hug
  2. tail plucker
  3. the end of the sting
  4. Take the father off the gallows
  5. full of nine o'clock
  6. where Judas lost his boots
  7. Thinking about the calf's death
  8. No threshing floor, no edge
  9. pig spirit
  10. go to cucuia
  11. Take the horse out of the rain
  12. Scapegoat
  13. The snake is going to smoke
  14. hold candle
  15. Flashlight
  16. change the balls
  17. kiss-ass
  18. saint of the hollow stick
  19. shaved foot
  20. Put your hand in the fire.

See too:

  • The 50 popular sayings most used by Brazilians
  • Movies to Understand Greek Mythology

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