Educators unite in support of the salary adjustment promised by the MEC

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O Ministry of Education (MEC) announced, in January of this year, the new national floor for teachers, readjusted by almost 15%. Some states are above the estimated value of R$ 4,420.55, just as there are other states that remain with salaries much lower.

Teachers suspend classes to receive salary increase

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In Rio Grande do Norte, active and retired public school teachers in the state paralyzed classes and still have no date for the end of the demonstrations. Only last Tuesday, 28, the government presented the proposal for those who continue to receive below the floor.

For other teachers in Rio Grande do Norte, for example, the readjustment will be 7.21% in May, 3.61% in November and 3.49% in December until completing what was proposed by the MEC.


In Recife, teachers from the municipal education network decided to mobilize last Thursday, the 30th, and did not teach. In all, there were more than 9,000 education professionals who decided to protest and did not go to the schools to work. Negotiations for the salary readjustment did not please the union.

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Recife City Hall proposed that teachers receive a 7.5% readjustment starting in March and the remaining percentage, 7.45%, would be used as a form of salary bonus starting in July. The teachers' union did not accept the proposal and demands that the transferred amount be paid in full.


A similar case happened in Maranhão, when teachers decided to claim for the total readjustment indicated by MEC. The stoppages began on February 27th and ended after the state Court of Justice ruled that the movement was illegal in origin.

In Maranhão, state and municipal teachers accepted the percentage of 11% of the salary adjustment offered by the State Department of Education. The amount will be transferred in two installments together with the fulfillment of qualifications for teachers.

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