Did you know that the National Social Security Institute (INSS) keeps a valuable secret that can change your financial life?
Many Brazilians are unaware of this secret, which is actually a benefit, and end up losing the opportunity to have an extra income every month.
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Read on to find out what that benefit is and how to claim it.
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Find out about the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC)
Contrary to what many people think, the INSS offers more than just limited benefits to workers, such as retirement.
There are other lesser known but equally important benefits that can be enjoyed by those who are entitled. An example is the Benefit of Continued Provision (BPC).
The BPC is a valuable secret of the INSS, as through it beneficiaries can receive up to one minimum wage (currently R$ 1,320), regardless of the contribution period.
This rule is more flexible than other benefits, making it easier to access this extra money. However, many people who are entitled to BPC are unaware of this possibility.
To gain access to the BPC, the first step is to meet all the requirements established by the INSS. This benefit can be granted to the elderly or people with disabilities, with no age restriction.
In addition, family income must be equal to or less than a quarter of the minimum wage, which is equivalent to R$ 330 this year.
That is, in addition to fulfilling the criteria, those interested in receiving the BPC need to keep their data updated in the federal government's Single Registry (CadÚnico).
How to apply for BPC?
To apply for the benefit, Brazilians who meet the requirements must access the Meu INSS website or application and select the “New Requirement” option.
Then, it is necessary to follow the steps indicated, informing whether the BPC is intended for an elderly person or a person with a disability.
After ordering, the INSS has a period of up to 45 days to review the request and provide a response to the applicant.
In case of approval, the citizen will receive the payment of his benefit every month in a salary account created in his name.