Brazilian humid coastal climate

O Brazilian humid coastal climate covers both the northeast region as for Southeast region from Brazil. Considered a hot climate, temperatures in cities in the northeast are higher than those in the region of Rio de Janeiro It is São Paulo.


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The Brazilian humid coastal climate, as the name implies, affects many regions of the coast of Brazil. Its extension goes from the coastal region of Rio Grande do Norte to the state of São Paulo.

Brazil climate map


The main characteristics of the Brazilian humid coastal climate are:

  • Humid and hot climate;
  • Rainy summer and winter with little rain;
  • High rainfall (average of 2,000 mm per year);
  • Occurrence of orographic rainfall;
  • Existence of two main seasons: a hot and humid season, another cold and considerably humid.

Climatic factors

The Brazilian humid coastal climate is a hot and humid weather, similar to that of amazon, but with a higher temperature range.

For much of the year, the Atlantic tropical mass influences it. However, during the winter, the atlantic polar mass advances and causes a reduction in temperatures, mainly in the southern zones.


In the region there are reliefs that limit the humidity of the winds that permeate the east-west and north-south directions. In view of this, there are orographic rains and the lowest incidence of humidity in the interior of the country throughout the year.

To the rainfall averages of the Brazilian humid coastal climate are between 1500 and 2000 mm.


The rains in both stretches of the coast, northeast and southeast, are centered on seasons different depending on the region.

In the Brazilian northeast, the waters fall in the autumn and winter seasons, while in the southeast they are more abundant during the spring and winter seasons. summer.

Orographic rainfall occurs in mountainous regions, such as Chapada Diamantina, Chapada da Borborema and Serra do Mar.


A annual average temperature of the Brazilian humid coastal climate is 23°C, with a low thermal variation. In general, in winter the thermometers tend to be around 21°C and in summer around 25°C.

Read too:

  • Discover the difference between climate and weather
  • Temperate Climate in Brazil – What is it, fruits, vegetation, regions
  • What is Atlantic Tropical Climate? Characteristics, Regions of Brazil, Vegetation
  • Semi-arid Climate: Characteristics, Vegetation and Action in Brazil
  • Climate Zones in Brazil – characteristics and locations

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