Red flag: these 6 traits denounce that your crush is someone difficult to date

Choosing a good partner may not be such an easy task, but a study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences revealed some characteristics found in every individual who is very difficult to date. If you are looking for a romantic relationship, be aware of the famous red flags.

6 traits found in someone who is difficult to date

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The journal Personality and Individual Differences released a study that identifies signs given by Most people almost never are able to turn into a truly romantic partner. serious.

The main author of the study, Zsófia Csajbók, from Charles University, in the Czech Republic, says that it is essential to pay attention to the characteristics and behavior of the person in whom she is interested. Does she show any of these signs? Because they help guide the choice of a quality partner.

Csajbók says the study took years as she sought to understand what ideal traits are ultimately sought in a partner. Over the past two years, she has realized the need to identify even those traits that work as true

red flags, or rather red warning flags.

The study of negative traits that can be obstacles to a relationship

The research looked again at everything that had already been published. From 49 identified negative characteristics, Csajbók was able to summarize the major categories of red flags. See what they are.

  • Sloppy: includes everyone who is disgusting, dirty or unattractive;
  • Addicts: category fits those who are addicted to anything, apathetic or disinterested in general;
  • Clingy: this is worrying because, from the moment a partner is very clingy, he consequently harms you as much as possible. cultivating any relationship other than a romantic one with him, thus turning your social life into something almost nonexistent;
  • Promiscuous: These partners are “red flags” for several reasons. The first one is the infidelity, but there are children from relationships outside of marriage and even the transmission of infections or sexually transmitted diseases.

Why avoid partners with these characteristics?

By avoiding people who give off these extreme personality warnings, you can:

  • Avoid future problems, because when taking into account the characteristics that you can never reveal in a partner, you will not enter and donate to a relationship doomed to failure;
  • Choosing your companions better, after all, ending a relationship is always very difficult. Therefore, it is important to know if it is worth relating to the person who is in your “sight”.
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