One of the most important nutrients for the proper functioning of the body are vitamins. These nutrients prevent the emergence of various diseases, in addition to being part of the body's essential reactions to maintain life. For this reason, it is important to know which vitamins exist and in which foods they are found.
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What are vitamins?
Vitamins are the micronutrients that the body is not able to produce. They participate in various reactions in the body, and their absence or avitaminosis causes serious damage to health, and can even lead to death.
The vast majority of vitamins are present in natural foods, others are found only in foods of animal source, others come from sunlight, and some are even produced by the bacteria present in our intestine. Check below to understand more.
- Vitamin A
Known as retinol, this vitamin is responsible for the health of the eyes, skin, immune system and even fighting cancer. It is more present in foods in the form of carotenoids, which is the pigment responsible for the yellow and orange color.
Therefore, the main sources of vitamin A are carrots, spirulina, liver, egg yolk, cheese, butter, mango and other orange/yellow fruits and vegetables.
- Vitamin B
Vitamin B, in this case, is a complex of several vitamins, namely: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. These vitamins are water-soluble, and each has a different role in metabolism, tissue, bone, cells, energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein, etc. The main food sources of this nutrient are milk, beans, meat, cereals and leaves.
- Vitamin C
Ascorbic acid is the body's main antioxidant nutrient. Its ability to protect cells against degradation makes this vitamin very important for our body. It is very easy to find in food, being present in most fruits, especially citrus fruits such as orange, lemon and acerola.
- Vitamin D
When it comes to the health of bones and teeth, vitamin D is present. It is synthesized from exposure to sunlight for at least 20 minutes a day. It is found in foods such as fish, butter and egg yolks.
- Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another vitamin that destroys free radicals in the body. It is more present in oils because it is a lipossoluble substance, that is, it is only diluted in oil, such as vegetable oils, almonds, milk and sunflower seed.
- Vitamin K
Found primarily in leafy vegetables, vitamin K can also be produced by bacteria in the gut. Finally, the food sources are wheat, kale, lettuce and cabbage.
So, now that you know what vitamins are and where to find them, take the opportunity to forward this article to that friend of yours who would also like to know.