Auxílio Brasil loan starts to be released for beneficiaries with NIS 9

Today, May 30th, another installment of the Auxílio Brasil was sent to the beneficiaries. As a result, program participants with a Social Identification Number (NIS) ending in 9 can now access the payment. This value is related to the income transfer program carried out by the Government.

With that, according to the calendar of the Ministry of Citizenship, beneficiaries with final NIS 0 will also receive the benefit this week.

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Check this article for more details about the Auxílio Brasil loan.

Read more: Find out if your CPF is being used by others

See more about the payment of the Auxílio Brasil loan

Transfers began on May 18, when beneficiaries with the final digit of NIS 1 received payment of the installment. In this sense, all installments must reach participants by May 31, according to the coordination of the measure. According to the Ministry of Citizenship, approximately R$ 7.3 billion will be distributed to 18.1 million families. For the month of May, the average ticket paid by the program reached BRL 409.

Check the payment schedule

The Auxílio Brasil payment schedule was released by the Ministry of Citizenship and Caixa Econômica Federal. Thus, based on the released dates, participants with final NIS 9 and 0 receive payment this week, who will be able to withdraw the installment from May 30th and 31st, respectively.

In order not to miss the chance to receive the amount, it is essential that families claim their benefits within 120 days. In addition, registrants need to ensure that the data on the platform is up to date. Not to mention that you have to meet all the requirements requested to receive the benefit.

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