THE geographic language, also called benign migratory glossitis, errant tongue rash, or migratory erythema, is a condition which still does not have a defined cause, but many authors relate it to stress and disorders hormones. it causes perda of the filiform papillae in the dorsal region of the tongue and it occurs more frequently in children. It is estimated that approximately 1% of the population has this pathology.
The patient who has the geographic tongue presents in this organ irregular reddish spots that form where the papillae disappear. At edges of these lesions are whitish and slightly elevated, while the center may show inflammation. It is important to highlight that the fungiform papillae are not affected by this pathology, remaining in their places.
After some time, the lesion may disappear and appear elsewhere on the tongue, hence the name of migratory glossitis. The size and shape of these lesions vary greatly from day to day or even within a few hours, and symptoms can disappear in less than two weeks or last for months.
Injuries can sting on the patient's tongue, especially when he is eating foods with a large amount of spices and citrus fruits. However, the geographic tongue, in general, is not a disease that presents symptoms, configuring itself as a benign pathology that does not cause serious damage to the organism. Therefore, your treatment it is purely symptomatic and is usually based on therapies that alleviate symptoms. It is mainly recommended to control stress and reduce consumption of certain foods and alcohol intake. In addition, research reveals that there may be some worsening of the condition in smokers. Therefore, it is essential to avoid tobacco.
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To carry out the diagnosis, usually the doctor only observes the appearance of the lesions. If there is any doubt or suspicion of another disease, tests such as biopsies may be requested. Geographic tongue can manifest itself in a patient, however, it can occur in association with other diseases, such as psoriasis and fissured tongue.
If you notice any language variation similar to that described in the text, see a doctor to confirm the diagnosis. It is worth emphasizing that there is no reason to panic, as it is a benign disease and is not related to cancer.
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos
Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:
SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Geographical language"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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