Nerd and Proudly: 4 Clear Signs You're a Geek

A few years ago, when a person was known as a nerd, it could be considered a great offense or even an insult.

But nowadays, we can see that people are proud to be called a nerd, and we even have a community to identify these characteristics and tastes, the geek community.

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That said, Nerd Pride Day was created, which like other important dates, also has the objective of talking more about this community and making people identify with this style.

So that you can better understand and know if you are a geek, we have brought some signs that you are a nerd or not. Follow next!

4 signs that show you are a geek

1. love games

One of the main signs that make you able to identify a geek is the passion for games, whether digital or board. That's because, this way of entertaining yourself is not just for fun, but also to be able to create relationships with other people who also have the same taste.

People considered geeks have many skills with games, and often come up with strategies that no one has ever thought of before.

2. love books

Another sign that you are a geek is if you have a great passion for books and libraries, dedicating much of your time to deepen your reading, and with that, to have more knowledge about various matters.

These people usually like to keep themselves well informed on all subjects, and value those who have a willingness to learn.

3. Enjoy deep conversations

People considered geeks are also those who like deep conversations, that is, no superficial subjects around here.

They usually get into complex discussions, and enjoy exchanging ideas with others to stimulate their intelligence.

4. They are very curious

To know if you are a geek, know that having a sharp curiosity is one of the great signs. This characteristic is very striking in this group of people, that is, they are always looking for solutions and answers to their questions.

They have the desire to unravel many mysteries, whether through the use of technology, the internet or science.

Being identified as a nerd is not a problem. There are many prejudices about this group of people with these characteristics, but it is essential to respect and take into account the differences of each one of them.

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