Nominal predicate. Nominal predicate

Coming out of the predicate is the part of the phrase that rappresents that which comes from the soggetto. Mi important sembra che you richordi che il predicato può essere denominato come verbale o nominale. Vedi next, alcuni punti rilevanti sul predicato nominale. / As you know, the predicate is the part of the sentence that represents what was said by the subject. It seems important to me that you remember that the predicate can be termed as verbal or nominal. See, below, some relevant points about the noun predicate.

Meaning: / Meaning: * “Predicate costituto of una delle forme del verb essere (copula) followed by un nome or un aggettivo (predicate name) (p.e. Giovanni è stanco.).”/ ‘Predicate consisting of one of the forms of the verb “to be” (connecting verb) followed by a noun or an adjective (subject predicative) (for example: Giovanni está tired)’.

*Definition taken from the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.

Make attenzione ai concetti! / Pay attention to the concepts!

Osservassione: / Note: All the language in Portuguese without the difference in the classification of the predicate nominale, to the extent that it protects its nucleus, its name sia aggettivo, always sarà ‘predicative of the subject'.

/ In the Portuguese language there is no difference in the classification of the nominal predicate, with regard to its nucleus: whether noun or adjective, it will always be the subject's predicative.

Osserva gli esempi using l’analisi logica / Look at the examples using logical analysis

Luigi is annoyed./ Luigi is upset.

Soggetto: Luigi

Nominal predicate: è annoiato

[è] - copulates

[annoiato] – part nominale del predicato o nome del predicato

Anna and Lucia sono Americane. / Anna and Lucia are American.

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Soggetto: Anna and Lucia

Predicato nominale: sono americane

[sleep] - copulates

[americane] - predicative aggettivo

The phone is giallo. / The phone is yellow.

Soggetto: Il telephone

Nominal predicate: è giallo

[è] - copulates

[giallo] - predicative aggettivo

Pablo Neruda is a writer. / Pablo Neruda is a writer.

Soggetto: Pablo Neruda

Nominal predicate: he is a writer

[è] - copulates

[script] – part nominale del predicato o nome del predicato

Pay attention! / Watch!

If ricordare che la copula is interesting, it is always in agreement col soggetto in persona and number, but when parliamo sulla parte nominale dobbiamo essere pay attention to the following case: / It is interesting to remember that the connecting verb “to be” always agrees with the subject in person and number, but when we talk about the nominal part we must pay attention to the following case:

 If I abbiamo all part nominale a name that does not change the genere, lui accorderà col soggetto solo nel numero (eg La rosa is a fiore. | Le rose sono fiori.). / If we have in the nominal part a noun that does not change gender, it will agree with the subject only in number (for example: The rose is a flower. | Roses are flowers.).

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "Nominal predicate"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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