7 behaviors that can decrease your productivity

Staying focused all the time at work is a big challenge. The phone rings, a coworker enters the room, parallel conversations arise, a new demand appears, among other unforeseen events. In the midst of these situations, all productivity goes into space along with your willingness to be efficient.

These productivity villains must be detected in the work environment, so that they are eliminated little by little. In addition to those that have been detected, there are other causes that may be directly related to your lack of attention. To help you get rid of these pitfalls and increase your results, we've listed some habits that you should avoid in your everyday life. We will quote them below.

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1-be disorganized

Believe me, your desk says a lot about you. If your space is constantly cluttered, with papers and goals strewn all over the place, it's a sign that you're not very concerned about your performance. This type of disorganization compromises your agility when performing your tasks, no matter how much you think you know where each object is, as it will certainly demand some effort to locate it. In addition, you can give your co-workers the impression that you are not properly qualified to perform certain functions and will have more difficulties in being promoted. For these and other reasons, try to be organized, try to reserve a day in your schedule to do some cleaning, separate all the paperwork, throw away what you no longer need and try to separate your materials according to your priorities.

2 – Extend matters in meetings

Usually, work meetings are long and consume a good part of the day. Precious hours that could be dedicated to other projects end up being wasted or not very productive. To remedy this problem, it is recommended to reduce the number of weekly meetings, but if this is not possible, try to make them shorter and more dynamic. Also, try to reduce the amount of subjects to be discussed. Whenever a problem arises, seek to solve it immediately by contacting the responsible colleagues, without necessarily waiting for the time of the meeting to discuss the issues. This way you can streamline the process and avoid taking up time that should be spent on other matters.

3 – Not knowing how to manage your time

Your time is very important and makes all the difference in your income. Many people tend to use a good part of their day to develop activities that generate little results and this is the main reason why they do not reach their goals within the estimated time frame. Even if some tasks are really important and demand a lot of attention, you need to identify whether or not it's worth spending hours on end to perform them. Reflect on your functions and establish the priority of each activity that must be performed and try to stipulate the time spent on each one of them. From this habit change, you will know what to prioritize on your daily to-do list and, consequently, be more organized and productive.

4 – Doing multiple tasks at the same time

Doing many things at the same time to some extent can be considered proactivity, but in excess it usually compromises your efficiency in carrying out your daily tasks. It is true that in practically every job we are subject to the accumulation of activities during the day and, in principle, the best way to deal with all of this is to do many things at the same time. The consequences of this habit are the ease of distraction, of getting lost in the midst of so many demands and ending up not completing any of the tasks. The reason for this is that the brain works best when it is focused on just one activity at a time. time, this way you will be able to finish faster what was proposed to you and proceed with the other activities.

5 –Plan the day without flexibility

Another factor that can hinder your productivity is exaggerated planning, which is generally seen as exemplary. As mentioned earlier, it is essential to have a well-organized schedule, with a good distribution of your time, so that you can balance your tasks. This overview of your day is indeed recommended, however, making this arrangement without leaving room for rearrangements or moments of rest can open gaps for stress and work overload. In addition, it is possible that you will not be able to complete everything that was scheduled for the day, which encourages frustration and demotivation at work.

6 – Not knowing how to say “no”

We should all know the limits of goodwill. It may happen that some people ask you to do some extra activity that harms your day's planning, and you, without the courage to say that you can't at that moment, end up accepting it, compromising your routine. Learn that sometimes it is necessary to say “no”. Try to explain the reasons that made you deny certain tasks to your colleagues, they should respect you in the best way.

7 – Leave priority tasks in the background

Tasks considered more difficult are often left to the sidelines, as they demand more time or attention. This type of habit can be harmful to your income, as these activities can be a priority in your work. The more you avoid doing tasks that you know have to be done as soon as possible, the less willing to do them, give rise to nervousness and stress. It is suggested that you do not try to postpone them and start working on the tasks that are considered most important.

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