Doctor 'rips off baby's head' during delivery as father watches

A doctor would have “ripped off the head” of a baby during childbirth, carried out at the Hospital das Clínicas in Belo Horizonte (MG). This is what the family of the fetus denounces to the Police of Minas Gerais.

As stated in an Occurrence Bulletin made with the Minas Gerais Military Police (PM), the case took place last Monday, May 1, on the Labor Day holiday.

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According to the document, the mother of the baby, aged 34, was hospitalized on April 24. At the time, she was 28 weeks pregnant – approximately 7 months. However, she had to have labor induced due to high blood pressure.

The baby's father attended the birth in which the baby's "head was ripped off"

According to a report by the Rede Globo, during prenatal care, the family found out that the baby had a lung disease and, therefore, his delivery would have to be a Caesarean. However, according to what was announced, the woman went into labor naturally in the early hours of the holiday.

The doctor would have called the child's father to observe the birth closely and he reports that he saw the baby blinking and moving her mouth.

However, moments later, a riot broke out in the area. The family said that the doctor climbed on top of the pregnant woman's belly to remove the baby's body more quickly.

"When I woke up, she said to me: 'you woke up, mom, but your daughter couldn't resist'", said the baby's mother to Rede Globo. “I took my daughter and kissed her. She was already cold and purple. That's when we saw the neck sewn with black thread."

So, the family came to the conclusion that the professional would have “ripped off the head” of the fetus.

Hours later, still according to the family members, a social worker from the Hospital das Clínicas spoke to them, saying that the health institution would bear the costs of the child's burial. However, for that to happen, the family would have to sign some documents.

As they told the press, the papers said that the baby's body had already been examined in the hospital itself. In this way, it would not be forwarded to the legal medical Institute for necropsy.

What does the Hospital das Clínicas de Belo Horizonte say?

In a note published on the G1 website, HC says that it “deeply regrets the fact and sympathizes with the family”. In addition, he points out that they are “making every effort to find out the facts and analyze the case and support the family”.

The Civil Police of Minas Gerais, also in a note, states that the body of the newborn was subjected to a necropsy in the HC itself. In addition, it points out that "an inquiry was initiated to determine the causes and circumstances of the incident and steps are being taken".

The corporation also underlined that they will investigate whether there was a medical error or malpractice. The Regional Council of Medicine of Minas Gerais (CRM-MG) has not yet commented on the case.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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