Robert Jemison van der Graaf

American physicist and mechanical engineer, born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, one of the inventors of the electrostatic accelerator. He received a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Alabama (1922) and went to work at the Alabama Power Co. When he went to Sorbone to study with Madame Curie, he became enthusiastic about atomic physics.

He passed through Oxford and Princeton and finally settled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT (1934-1960), where he completed his project (1931) and built an electrostatic accelerator, an invention historically shared with Ernest Lawrence. He took over the direction of High Voltage Engineering Corporation (1960), a company he had previously founded with some colleagues. Died in Boston, Massachusetts.

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Source: Biographies - Academic Unit of Civil Engineering / UFCG

Order R - Biography - Brazil School

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