Brazil Aid payment schedule may be brought forward in September

The payment schedule for Brazil Aid in August it was scheduled to start on the 18th. However, the Federal Government anticipated, and the benefit began to be paid on August 9th.

Read more: Guedes defends tax reform to keep BRL 600 of Aid Brazil in 2023

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Thus, speculation arose whether this month the calendar will be brought forward again, but there has still been no official announcement about this possibility. So far, the September calendar is expected to be paid from the 19th for NIS subscribers with ending 1.

Minister Ronaldo Vieira commented on the program A Voz do Brasil about the government's interest in anticipating the other calendars until the end of the year. Therefore, there are great chances that the new September calendar will be announced soon.

While the new payment schedule is not announced, the dates already announced are still valid. Check out:

End of NIS payment dates
1 September 19
2 September 20
3 September 21st
4 September 22
5 September 23th
6 September 26th
7 September 27th
8 September 28th
9 September 29th
0 September 30th

Remembering that the value of the Brazil Aid is currently R$600, and the addition of R$200 will be maintained until the end of the year.

How to check payments?

The consultation can be made by telephone, through the number 121 of the Ministry of Citizenship, or by the number 111, from Caixa's Call Center.

Another possibility is the consultation through applications:

  • Auxílio Brasil application (available for Android and iOS);
  • Caixa Tem app (available for Android and iOS).

Who is entitled to the Brazil Aid in September?

Citizens enrolled in CadÚnico and with updated personal data are entitled to the benefit. In addition, it is necessary to fit into situations of poverty, that is, having a monthly family income of R$105.00 to R$210.00, or Extreme Poverty, with a monthly family income of up to R$105.00.

There are also two ways to be automatically accepted into this social program:

  • He was already a Bolsa Família beneficiary;
  • He was enrolled in CadÚnico, but was not benefited by Bolsa Família. However, in this case, the beneficiary goes to the waiting list.

Remembering that, to fit the requirements, it is necessary that the family has one of the following members:

  • Children;
  • Pregnant women;
  • Nursing mothers;
  • Teenagers;
  • Young people between 0 and 21 years old.

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