Algae exercises list

To the seaweedare beings eukaryotes, unicellular or multicellular, living in humid or aquatic environments, which may be fresh or salt water.

Some algae have the pigment chlorophylltherefore they are beings photosynthetic. Therefore, for a long time they were classified in the kingdom plantae, but are currently part of the Kingdom Protista.

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We prepared a seaweed exercise list so that you can test your knowledge of this group with such diverse organisms.

You can check the feedback and save this list in PDF at the end of the post!

exercises on seaweed

1) (UFPE) In certain regions of northeastern Brazil, diatomite bricks consisting of compacted shells of diatoms are used in the construction of rural dwellings. This material corresponds to:

a) pheophyceous algae or brown (brown) algae.
b) chrysophyte or golden algae.
c) arthropods (chilopods and diplopods).
d) porifera or sponges.
e) gastropod molluscs.

2) (MACKENZIE) Analyze the statements below.

I – They all have the ability to carry out photosynthesis.
II – In many of them there is alternation of generations, that is, in their life cycle, generations of haploid and diploid individuals alternate.
III – Most of them present starch as a reserve substance.

Among the statements regarding algae, mark:

a) if only I is correct.
b) if only II is correct.
c) if only I and II are correct.
d) if only I and III are correct.
e) if all are correct.

3) (FUPAC) A “red tide” spread along the east coast of Australia and caused the closure of several beaches near Sydney.

With regard to the aforementioned phenomenon, it can be correctly stated that:

a) is due to the indiscriminate killing of whales and dolphins near Sydney Harbour.
b) it is due to the elimination of pesticides in the water, which causes a great death of several animals.
c) is the result of algae blooms, causing no environmental impact.
d) occurs predominantly in choppy and colder waters, where there is a greater incidence of light.
e) is due to the great proliferation of certain pyrrophytic algae, with the release of toxins that can affect the local fauna.

4) (PUC-RS) Answer the question based on the statements below about the green algae of the Chlorophyta group:

I – They are autotrophic organisms that have chlorophyll a and b.
II – The reserve substance is starch.
III – Most are aquatic.
IV – All are unicellular.
V – Brown and red algae are not your closest relatives.

All statements are correct except for:

b) II.
d) IV.
e) v.

5) (ENEM) Certain species of algae are able to quickly absorb inorganic compounds present in the water, accumulating during their growth. This ability led to the idea of ​​using them as biofilters for cleaning contaminated aquatic environments, removing, for example, nitrogen and phosphorus from organic waste and heavy metals from industrial waste released in the waters. In the integrated cultivation technique, animals and algae grow in association, promoting a greater ecological balance. SORIANO, E.M. Live filters to clean the water. Revista Ciência Hoje, V.37, nº 219, 2005. Adapted.

The use of the technique of integrated cultivation of animals and algae represents a favorable proposal for a more balanced ecosystem because:

a) animals eliminate heavy metals, which are used by algae for the synthesis of biomass.
b) the animals provide nitrogenous organic excreta, which are transformed into carbon dioxide by the algae.
c) algae use nitrogenous waste released by animals and eliminate carbon dioxide in photosynthesis, used in aerobic respiration.
d) algae use nitrogenous waste from the metabolism of animals and, during the synthesis of organic compounds, release oxygen to the environment.
e) Algae take advantage of animal metabolism residues and, during the chemosynthesis of organic compounds, release oxygen into the atmosphere.

6) Carefully observing the characteristics of algae, which kingdom can we include them in?

a) Monera.
b) Protista.
c) Fungi.
d) Animalia.
e) Plantae.

7) (FEPAR/2016) A team from Oregon State University developed a variety of rhodophyte algae full of protein and nutrients, with a delicious differential: it tastes like bacon. The new strain of palmaria palmata it is a variation that grows on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts and is sold dried as a nutritional supplement. It is a superfood, with twice the nutritional value of kale – very rich in minerals (calcium, iron, potassium, iodine) and vitamins (A, B, C and E), in addition to 16% protein in dry weight, according to the researchers. “If you fry it, it tastes like bacon, not seaweed. And it tastes pretty strong.” The new strain, whose appearance resembles red lettuce leaves, is already being tested in the form of flour for making biscuits, pasta and snacks. Adapted from available at: Accessed on: 20 Jul. 2015.

Judge the statements that follow.

a) ( ) In certain species of rhodophytic algae, the cell wall may present an outer mucilaginous layer, composed of polysaccharides such as agar and carrageenan.
b) ( ) A diet rich in Palmaria palmata could prevent several diseases caused by nutritional deficiency, such as hypothyroidism, anemia and scurvy.
c) ( ) Observing the main nutrients present in the composition of Palmaria palmata, one can conclude that, in the cytoplasm of their cells, there must be intense translation activity on the part of ribosomes.
d) ( ) In the presence of light, Palmaria palmata cells carry out, in chloroplasts, photophosphorylation of ATP and photolysis of water, releasing CO2.
e) ( ) Certain species of rhodophyte algae are capable of establishing antibiosis or amensalism relationships with other species of living beings, causing the phenomenon of the “red tide”.

8) (UECE) Analyze the statements below.

I – Algae are photosynthetic beings, known as sea plants and for this reason belong to the Kingdom Plantae.
II – Algae are responsible for most of the oxygen gas released daily into the biosphere.
III – When there is an imbalance of environmental factors, algae can multiply uncontrollably through blooms.

It is correct what is stated in:

a) I and II only.
b) II and III only.
c) I and III only.
d) I, II and III.

9) (UDESC) Phycology is the branch of Biology that studies algae. Analyze the propositions below, in relation to algae

I – In the algae group are the divisions: green algae – chlorophytes; brown algae – pheophytes and red algae – rhodophytes.
II – Algae have a thallus through which the sap-conducting vessels pass.
III – The asexual reproduction of algae can occur by fragmentation, that is, a filament of the algae is detached and originates another filament by mitosis.
IV – Rhodophyte algae have the pigment hemoglobin, which is responsible for their red color.

Tick ​​the correct alternative.

a) Only statements II and III are true.
b) Only statements II and IV are true.
c) Only statements I and III are true.
d) Only statements I, II and III are true.
e) Only statements I and IV are true.

10) (FAGOC) Regarding the economic importance of certain algae, bacteria and fungi, make the association between products arising from the controlled use by man of these organisms with the same.

( ) Alcoholic beverages, e.g. beer, whiskey, sake, etc.
( ) Therapeutic drugs, such as antibiotics (for example, thyrothricin, bacitracin, rifamycin, neomycin, etc.), vitamins, growth hormone and insulin; manufacture of certain enzymes and alcohols.
( ) Degradation, in addition to organic waste, of herbicides, pesticides, oils, DDT, plastics, detergents, etc.
( ) Agar is a powerful gel used in the production of culture media.
( ) Used as yeast, as it gives the dough lightness and softness.
( ) Marine variety used for the production of animal feed.

1. Seaweed.
2. Bacterium.
3. Fungus.

The sequence from top to bottom is correct in:

a) 1, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3.
b) 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 1.
c) 1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1.
d) 2, 1, 1, 3, 3, 2.


1 – b
2 – c
3 – and
4 – d
5 – d

6 – b
7 – V-V-V-F-F
8 – b
9 – c
10 – b

Click here to save this list of exercises in PDF!

See too:

  • List of exercises on vacuoles
  • List of exercises on active and passive transport
  • List of exercises about viruses and their characteristics

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