Check out the 6 best Brazilian cities to live in after retiring

After retirement, it is common for people to look for quiet places to live, after all, regions with this characteristic have proven to be ideal for elderly! Therefore, if you are retiring and looking for a change, check out the best Brazilian cities to live in after retiring in this article!

Best Brazilian cities to live in after retirement

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The Mongeral Aegon Longevity Institute, together with the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV) carried out a survey to discover which would be the ideal municipalities for retired elderly people.

Items involved with comfort and quality of life were taken into account to determine the best locations in the country. These include health, housing, culture, well-being, finance and the climate. Check out some of the top-scoring cities in the survey below!

Florianopolis – Santa Catarina

Florianópolis stands out in terms of finances, as it has a smaller number of people with low incomes. Furthermore, it has cultural incentive programs and was named one of the most creative cities in Brazil by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Sao Joao da Boa Vista – Sao Paulo

São João da Boa Vista is one of the small cities in the state of São Paulo, known for having a low rate of violence. In addition, it has a large number of clinics and health professionals, such as physiotherapists and psychologists.

Porto Alegre – Rio Grande do Sul

Known for its housing, leisure and business conditions, Porto Alegre has the largest number of condominiums for the elderly. It is also highlighted in health, due to the large number of nurses!

Niteroi – Rio de Janeiro

Similar to Porto Alegre, Niterói also stands out in the area of ​​health. After all, the city became popular for having the highest number of doctors per population!

Tupa – Sao Paulo

Small municipality in São Paulo, Tupã leads the aging index, with most of the population composed of elderly people! In addition, the city has the largest number of beds in the Unified Health System (SUS)!

Our Readers' Choice: We also carried out a survey with around 2000 readers of our portal, and according to most of them, the city of Balneário Camboriú was considered the best city to live in after retiring. The municipality is known for its beautiful beaches and good quality of life for its residents.

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