*Meaning: / Meanings:
Di specificazione: / From specification: “Il complement that needs the espresso concetto dal sostantivo da cui dipende; in Italian it is always introdotto dalla preposizione ‘di’ (eg il figlio dell'avvocato).” / ‘The complement that needs the concept expressed by the noun on which it depends; in Italian it is always introduced by the preposition ‘of’ (eg, the lawyer advogados son)’.
Di Termine / Indirect object: "Il complement that indicates the person or the sew to cui è indirizzata l'azione dal verb." / ‘The complement that indicates the person or thing for which the action verb is intended’.
*Definitions taken from the Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.
Puntata! / Tip! Come it out all the Italian language I complemented indiretti sono molti. Vedi al sito il testo: "I complemented frasali”, read potrai osservare un po’ di più su l'argomento. / As you know, in the Italian language there are many indirect complements. See the text on the website: “I complementi frasali”, there you can observe a little more about the subject. |
Specification Complement / Specification Complement
Per capire meglio il meaning seen sopra, dato dal dictionario, si può dire che questo complement serves to specify the specific meaning of a name and always respond to alle domande: Di chi? Di che cosa?. Vedi alcuni esempi. / To better understand the meaning seen above, given by the dictionary, it can be said that this complement serves to specify or specify the meaning of a name and will always answer the questions: from who? What? See some examples.
Pay attention! / Watch!
Non dimenticare che the complement of the specificazione è retto dalla preposition ‘disia sia law semplice o articolata./ Don't forget that the specification complement is governed by the preposition ‘of’, be it simple or articulated.
Esempi: / Examples:
1) Question is guided from Rome. / This is the guide to Rome.
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
2) Il cane de mario himself squeaks Bob. / Mario's dog is called Bob.
3) View of tramonto It's beautiful! / The sunset view is beautiful!
Final complement / Indirect object
Dopo capire il significato dato sopra da da di diionario, if it must have in testa che il complement di finish always respondà alle domande: A chi? A che sew?. If you must anche ricordare that this complement is straight from the preposition ‘a’, però può essere espresso dai pronomi indiretti. Osserva gli esempi. / Once you understand the meaning given above by the dictionary, it is necessary to remember that the indirect object will always answer the questions: to whom? To what? It should also be remembered that this complement is governed by the preposition ‘a’, but it can be expressed by indirect pronouns. Look at the examples.
Esempi: / Examples:
1) Ho phone call to Giorgio. / I called Giorgio.
2) Giulia non glishe has a phone call. / Giulia didn't call you.
3) Non ciIt's piciuto the party. / The party didn't please us.
4) Ho preparation for the scene to mary. / I made Maria dinner.
Sign up! / Observation! It is not possible to mix the oggetto complement with the finish complement. Come lo comes out alcuni pronomi oggetti hanno la stessa form I gave pronomi indirect, così si yields important capirli. Allora t’indico di accedere al site i testi: "indirect pronoun”, “Pronomi diretti: a che persone del discorso si riferiscono”, “Pronomi diretti con tempi composti”. / It is not possible to confuse the direct object with the indirect object. As you know, some direct pronouns have the same form as indirect pronouns; thus, it is important to understand them. So, I recommend that you access the following texts on the website: “Pronomi diretti”, “Pronomi diretti: a che persone del discorso si riferiscono”, “Pronomi diretti con tempi composti”. |
Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "I complemented indirect: di specificazione e di terminate"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/i-complementi-indiretti-di-specificazione-di-termine.htm. Accessed on June 29, 2021.