L'imperativo tu e voi coi pronomi. Examples of the imperative tu and voi

Meaning: / Meaning: * “Modo verbale che espress commando anche consiglio, invito, preghiera ecc.; there is only a time, il present, and due persone, la seconda del singolare and la seconda del plurale (p. and. come on, go ahead)." / Verbal mode that expresses command or also advice, invitation, request, etc.; it has only one time, the present; two people, the second singular and the second plural (for example: go, go).

*Definition withdrawn: Dizionario Garzanti di Italiano.

I pronoun indiretti and diretti all’imperativo affermativo:/ The indirect and direct pronouns in the affirmative imperative:

How to identify there? Vedi le frasi sotto. / How to identify them? See the sentences below.

1) Providethe mother it's a feather! (me = me – indirect)

2) Phone Giulia! (to Giulia = le – indirect)

3) I held there pie with Paolo! (la pie = la– direct)

4) Offri there pie Giulia! (la pie = la – direct); (to Giulia = gli – indirect)

And come sotiturli nelle frasi? / And how to replace them in sentences?

1) Providemiit's a feather! / Lend me this pen!

2) Phoneread! / Call him!

3) I heldtherewith Paolo! / Get her from Paolo!

4) Gliandthereofffri! * / Offer it to her!

Attention! / Heads up!

*In addition, 04 is a combination of the diretto and indirect pronoun, all the Italian grammatica questsieinsieme di pronomi si chiama combinato pronoun./ In example 04 there is a combination between the direct and indirect pronoun, in Italian grammar this combination of pronouns is called combined pronoun.

Osserve! / Watch!

Guarda che i pronomi indiretti and diretti all’imperativo affermativo always appariscono insieme and dopo il verb coniugato, forming così, una solo parola. / Note that the indirect and direct pronouns in the affirmative imperative always appear together and after the conjugated verb, thus forming a single word.

I pronoun indiretti and diretti all'negative imperative: / The indirect and direct pronouns in the negative imperative:

How to identify there? Vedi nelle frasi sotto. / How to identify them? See the sentences below.

1) Non bereil vino! (il vino = lo – direct)

2) Non-mangiare la meat! (la meat = la– direct)

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

3) Don't buy tanti regali your cugina. (your cugina = read – indirect)

4) Non inviare l'invito to Carlo and Giulia. (Carlo and Giulia = gli – indirect)

And come sotiturli nelle frasi? / And how to replace them in sentences?

1) Non berit! – Non itbere. / Don't drink it!

2) Non-mangiarthere! – Non theremangiare. / Don't eat it!

3) Not buyreadso much regali! – Non readbuy tanti regali. / Don't buy him so many presents!

4) Not sendglil'invito! – Non gliinviare l'invito. / Don't send them the invitation!

Nota Bene!/ Pay attention!

Keeping it is possible to write the negative imperative of this and obviously the meaning of it non-cash phrase./ Note that it is possible to write the negative imperative in two ways and obviously the meaning of the sentences does not change.

Osservassioni: / Observations:

If it yields interesting sapere che i verbi (dire, fare, stare) alla seconda persona TU all’imperative i pronomi ‘mi’ and ‘ci’ ripetono la consonante iniziale. Vedi gli esempi. / It is interesting to know that the verbs (say, do, be) in the second person TU in the imperative, the pronouns ‘mi’ and ‘ci’ repeat the initial consonant. See the examples.

1) Dimmi tutto ciò come out! / Tell me everything you know!

2) Stammi tranquil and vieni! / Leave me alone and come!

3) Facci capire ciò che dì! / Let us understand what you say.

If you vuoi leggere altri testi sugli argomenti: pronomi diretti – indiretti and imperative it is possible to access i testi: “L’mperativo”, “Pronomi diretti: a che persone si riferiscono?”, “Pronomi diretti: cosa sono?” and “Pronom indirect"./ If you want to read other texts on the subjects: direct pronouns – indirect and imperative, you can access the texts:: “lumperative”, “Pronomi diretti: a che persone si riferiscono?”, “Pronomi diretti: sew sono?” and "indirect pronoun”.

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

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PAULA, Isabela Reis de. "L'imperative tu e voi coi pronomi"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/limperativo-tu-voi-coi-pronomi.htm. Accessed on June 29, 2021.

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